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Saving Grace

11/14/18 9:39 AM

#985 RE: GBRO #984

Excellent! I was just going to post this as it is now definately a new beginning. Moving on up. CGE is the place to be.


11/14/18 1:52 PM

#987 RE: GBRO #984

Well as usual one deception after another. In the press release announcing new COO they state very clearly the audit is underway. I guess that would be hard since they did not announce their NEW auditors until today.

So the audit we have all been waiting on is apparently scrapped and now we start from scratch. Naturally with no estimated date of completion so we are probably sitting around in the dark for another 2 years.

Just once I wish they could communicate like adults. Mickey Mouse.


11/14/18 1:57 PM

#988 RE: GBRO #984

This throws into serious question the validity the excellent numbers they presented in their year ending sept 2018 financial statements. Was the previous accounting firm just completely unwilling to go along with the accounting fantasy they were trying to peddle? I hope not because I based A LOT on those statements being somewhat valid.