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I have reached out to 4 securities fraud attorney firms to consider class action lawsuit against these sandbaggers. I will continue to post any progress in this direction, i am not sure how this goes, but willing to do my best to bring these frauds (IMO) to justice.
Class action suit. does anybody know if a suit has been filed against these lying feather merchants? is anybody interested? does anybody know of a law firm willing to file a suit on behalf of shareholders? We would need a central contact point to get this rolling... let's start the discussion.
EOY update from these carpet bagging POS's?
The neighbors were sold a bill of lies, sent checks and all the promises and PR's of fables. You screwed your neighbors n friends.
I just dropped them a message!
Hi Guys, if you wish to share your home addresses some of us CGEI/Aradatum investors would like to send you some McDonald’s gift cards. We know how this time of the year can tough on families that have lost everything, including their dignity.
if for nothing else...write to these carpet baggers weekly, at least share your opinion on their lack of integrity and what a bunch of despicable clowns that we feel they are! I do!
Whitefish, they have not replied in years. IMO they are cowards that lack and ounce of integrity. I continue to write them personally on a weekly basis on any forum I can locate them on. If anybody is interested in a class action lawsuit against these carpet-bagging liars I am all in. Where the heck do we start! One year ago they were fluffing each other at the Aradatum circle jerk about a green energy pep rally award and today they are a bunch of has-beens! Ever hear of a stage 4 list? who knows, maybe these clowns have made it onto one after draining a few suckers bank accounts with their delusions.
Pink have they ever replied to your email?
email him directly as well?,,
The latest issue of Investors Business Daily features a company called American Superconductor. AMSC is the ticker. From IBD:
AMSC provides megawatt-scale power control gear. Its solutions are designed to improve energy efficiency, alleviate power capacity and other constraints, and ensure system resiliency.
The Wind segment designs wind turbines and provides electrical control systems for them. The company also provides field service and spare parts to a global installed base of more than 17 gigawatts of wind power systems.
17% of their $145 million in annual revenue comes from wind.
How about trying to sell our (long suffering shareholder here) technology, patents, spare parts, whatever, to a company that would benefit from this stuff? It's not doing me or any of the other shareholders any good here at negative 1 cent or wherever the stock price is currently floundering.
I would be more than happy to forward to you the latest IBD with this article.
Thanks again for trying to restore value to this organization. Feel free to call or email if you would like to discuss.
I agree i write them 2x a week, if for nothing more than to torment them. i remind them of what a bunch of carpetbaggers they are and plead for them to have an ounce of integrity and moral character and grow a spine. Own up to investors and be honest if you are still breathing or fell flat on their faces. I urge all to torment the shit out of them!,,,
Experienced some snow a few days ago and got us thinking what a bunch of lies we were told by management. Took your neighbors money and ran it into the ground. Useless patent with no product. Why don't you find another entity that can make it happen and payoff the shareholders.
such a shame, delisted and flat out destroyed any value we may have recovered. what a bunch of lying rats!
I remember a friend downstate telling me about how the crew made promises over the years even had them in the office took checks and all preaching about how they "promised" were to the end game. Just look at our famed Ishpeming egg scrambler, rusting n all! What was the latest promise to build 3-4 and had locations picked out. Even applied for a patent as it was so cutting edge couldn't just go n build one! Well as Elon would just move forward and let the followers try to copy. How many years were wasted and $$$ on a piece of paper. We don't hear from LL probably let go had no sales who knows as management doesn't inform shareholders. Our opinion is we just see a bunch flat out lrs! Nice to go through life and see your neighbors' empty pockets and one day your maker at the great gates sez. What did you do in life to others! I bet they treat the customers the same way if there even were some loyalists,
I live in central NY but if they would be willing to host a shareholder meeting I would attend. One of the directors did respond and advise they are having financial issues. GO FIGURE. Go into hiding, delist and cut off shareholders, and now they have $$ issues and no investor confidence.
Thank you.
I live in Michigan and many years ago personally visited the office of then MKBY in Brighton. All staff was welcoming and friendly. I wonder, if a group of as many as possible would arrange to talk with them at the office,would that help get information to us more open? A visit in-person of many of us, and those who work in the office. Are there any of you who would like to try this? Those who live in Michigan or Ohio or Indiana might be able to drive there...
11+ years ago!
Turbine builder needs more time
DEC 23, 2013
ISHPEMING – After years of delays, design issues and legal problems with the company that owns the wind turbine at the Pioneer Bluffs Apartments in Ishpeming, additional delays in the manufacturing process of the replacement turbine have Clean Green Energy LLC asking residents to wait just a little longer.
The company originally intended to replace the prototype turbine this past summer, it said in a press release Friday, but with unspecified manufacturing delays, it now hopes to bring the WIND-e20 replacement model to market sometime in 2014.
“We have not backed away from the original plan and we are working very hard to move forward on this as expediently as possible,” said Bryan Zaplitny, president of CGE, in the press release titled, “Ishpeming Wind Turbine Not Forgotten.”
The 162-foot tower, which can be seen from many places around the city, has in the past been quite controversial for the city and the Ishpeming Housing Commission, which owns the Pioneer Bluffs Apartments. Some residents have called the motionless turbine an eyesore and the city council has on at least one occasion called for its removal.
“It’s been a long road for all of us,” Zaplitny said. “We are just as excited to have a WIND-e20 spinning outside Pioneer Bluff as the residents are.”
The press release states that the current prototype turbine is completed and operational, but “due to interconnection issues and not being able to agree on an acceptable price for excess electricity sale to the utility, the company feels it is in the best interests of both CGE and the Ishpeming Housing Commission to replace it entirely.”
Though CGE maintains that the current prototype turbine is operational, in fact it has never operated, and was determined to have been too expensive and labor-intensive to produce and install or to run on a large scale, with blades that would likely fail. The newer 105-foot, 65 kwh WIND-e20 will address those design issues, and is also much easier to install. While installation of the prototype required a long process and several large cranes, the new model will arrive on a flatbed truck and can be set up using a hydraulic control system and a standard backhoe.
On Thursday, CGE announced that Burtek Enterprises Inc., a metal fabricator and military contractor based in downstate Chesterfield, would be its “strategic manufacturing and assembly partner” for the new turbine models.
The two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding, according to a Burtek press release, and Burtek “shall be responsible for fabricating and assembly of the WIND-e20” and will work with CGE to “check and improve CGE’s design for cost-effective manufacturability.”
“As a partner of CGE on the WIND-e20 program, we are going to have to be responsive,” said Burtek President Jeff Daniel in the release. “We are going into production in 2014.”
The press release also says CGE is “exploring merger opportunities” with McKenzie Bay International Ltd. – the same company that designed the original prototype, then ran out of money for the project and lost their management team. In 2007, Zaplitny, then president of MTI Energy Management, filed a federal lawsuit against McKenzie Bay seeking more than $75,000 in financial damages and injunctive relief.
Last year, Zaplitny told the Ishpeming Housing Commission that he had invested $8 million of his own money in the project and intended to see it through.
Phone calls to Clean Green Energy regarding details of its potential merger with McKenzie Bay were not returned as of press time this morning.
Zach Jay can be reached at 906-486-4401.
Journal Staff Writer
ISHPEMING — Affectionately nicknamed the Big Egg Beater, Ishpeming’s wind turbine continues to stand unused on Ishpeming Housing Commission property.
Initially installed in 2006 as a prototype, the turbine was meant to power the then- under-construction Pioneer Bluffs development, a senior apartment complex.
In its 14-year history, the turbine has “never produced any electricity to the high rise,” according to Ishpeming Mayor Jason Chapman.
A subsidiary of McKenzie Bay International, the WindStor Power Company designed the 2006 prototype for its 200-kilowatt WindStor vertical-axis turbine.
The housing commission, which owns Pioneer Bluffs, entered into a power purchase agreement — a financial arrangement where a third party installs, owns and operates an energy system on a client’s property. The company and the housing commission agreed to the PPA knowing that WindStor’s turbine was only prototype technology.
Under the PPA, all costs to run and maintain the turbine fall to the company.
The turbine changed hands in 2009, when Clean Green Energy LLC, a company based in downstate Brighton acquired MKBI.
The new owners say they were unaware of the financial problems and disagreements that MKBI had with its initial engineering firm, which is what prevented the wind turbine project in Ishpeming from moving forward. CGE officials said the only way forward was to improve upon the existing turbine.
According to CGE’s chief financial officer, Harold Telners, his company had “re-engineered and completed the turbine” by late 2010.
Telners said “innovative blade lifting techniques that have never been accomplished (before were introduced), and subsequently commenced the testing phase of the installation.”
The turbine “successfully produced energy,” during those tests in 2010, Telners said.
But nothing has happened in over a decade since then. “Changes in technology, market needs and requirements, and in the ownership and management of WPC and MKBY led to unanticipated delays in the rollout of a new system. This is not a ‘problem’ to ‘remedy’ but rather a typical hurdle encountered on the road to rolling out innovative, new technologies.”
On the subject of the idle turbine, Ishpeming City Manager Craig Cugini said the outcome of any changes in energy production has to benefit city residents.
“The City of Ishpeming believes in an all-of-the-above approach to energy, no matter what Lansing tries to dictate to rural communities like ours. Our hope for projects within our city is that they’re functional and deliver promised results to our seniors, veterans and other members of our community who ultimately absorb the cost of rising energy prices.”
Both Chapman and IHC Executive Director Doreen Shelley agree that if the turbine doesn’t begin producing energy soon, it should be taken down.
“Something needs to be done,” Shelley said.
Chapman has renewed concerns about newly enacted state legislation governing green energy.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed the package of bills on Nov. 28, mandating 100% clean energy by 2040.
But in order to reach that goal, state government will take away local control of large solar, wind and energy storage projects.
“I fully support finding ways to reduce and eventually eliminate sources of electricity that hurt our environment,” Chapman said. “However, our area still needs a stable, long-term solution, which I haven’t seen yet. Taking away local control isn’t the answer either, unless the state is ready to support our area … I’m worried that enacting laws without solutions could hurt us up here.”
Regardless, Telners’ statement continues to be the same: “The plan has always been to replace the WindStor turbine in Ishpeming with a new design. When a replacement turbine is installed and operational, it will, as planned, supply that power.”
Shelley hopes to host a meeting with the IHC Board of Directors and CGE’s President and CEO Bryan Zaplinty in 2024 to discuss what will happen next.
Alexandria Bournonville can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 506. Her email address is
can also write to the editor of "The Mining Journal" to request an update on the Ishpeming turbine. I did....
contact these scumbags on a daily basis to torment them for a shareholder update. at the very least we can be a burr in their saddles.
this is what i sent them yesterday----
larry@aradatum, bryan@aradatum, paul@aradatum.
If there is a NDA, advising your shareholders of such is not a violation of the NDA.
If you are concerned about insider trading, updating your shareholders is not insider trading.
If you are flat on your asses broke and failed at being a viable business, advise your shareholders to write it off.
If you are just complete scum bags with a low sense of morality and ethics, just keep doing what you are doing and vote Democrat this fall.
If you are the Christian you claim to be, do some soul searching. I personally have over $100,000 invested in your lies and I will not stop until I have answers.
whitefish, i have written to a few class action attorneys to request consideration on filing suit. if i have any positive feedback i will post it here for response. pretty pathetic that they cannot get a penny from this administration for green energy. they have written checks with their big mouths that their asses cannot cash. if anybody has direct correspondence from them (like i do) please retain for attorneys. I kind of figured the orange deal was kind of like a high school science project where you win the ribbon and hand it on the fridge, that was about it i guess. Just a bunch of dreamers not ready for prime time. carpetbagging losers it would appear at this point. JMO of course, but i think i am pretty close.
Pink, Not local however do have a few shareholders that are local. They heard Aradatum will attempt to do a money raise how or when either by stock or cash infusion is the big question. They did receive a patent for the turbine design however useless without any business. Friends stated can't explain why LL is employed with no test turbine or sales while his European jaunt was a bust(their opinion). Opinion is they are not reporting to keep CGEI down so the Aradatum can raise cash. Notice who sold a bunch of shares before the implosion. They mentioned are tired of Promises from LL, B , and the gang. Some opinions are they messed with the responsibilities of reporting their fiduciary duties and broke promises on releases. Will be interesting to hear the new plan.
Hey Whitefish, any local updates? that turbine still at the ISH housing? I keep writing weekly to all of them without the courtesy of a response. needless to say Zaplitny and company made my cancer list! LOL my complaint with the SEC fell on deaf ears.
file complaint with SEC for failure to hold annual shareholder meeting....I just did. might not go anywhere but.
I would participate in a class action suit. If you hear anything going down out there please keep us posted.
The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the shareholders, and that includes updating shareholders & SEC filings.
Whitefish, let's hope that now they have the patent and what could be a valuable technology according to the Orange competition...perhaps they have a legitimate tower company that desires to purchase the shares of Aradatum. Let's put this into the capable hands of a company that can bring it to production and revenue and restore shareholder value!
US Patent for Self-Powered Telecommunications Tower D1035630 patent July 16th
Patents by Inventor Paul Jacob Schneider
Paul Jacob Schneider has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Self-powered telecommunications tower
Patent number: D1035630
Type: Grant
Filed: April 12, 2021
Date of Patent: July 16, 2024
Assignee: Aradatum, Inc.
Inventors: Bryan Joseph Zaplitny, Rupert Stephen Tull de Salis, Paul Jacob Schneider, Lawrence Francis Leete, III
who was issued the patent?
Hoping this patent could be what we have been waiting on. Wishful thinking on my part. Maybe now that patent is secured, a buyer for the company will appear. I had just kind of written this investment off as a total loss, now once again (for the umpteenth time) I am wondering about what might be possible.
US Patent for Self-Powered Telecommunications Tower D1035630 patent July 16th issued
Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank; What good is a patent if you're not making and selling a product! MKBY had patents too.
Well...Saving Grace has argued that it is! Interesting i just wrote to Bryan and his minions to ask how much for the truck! LOL
all should do the same.,,,
Is the earth flat? A Colleague and fellow shareholder drove by and mentioned just two cars in the lot for a weekday. Surprised too she stated the delivery truck and the show me more trailers had For Sale signs on them and out front. She didn't see another delivery truck on the premises could have been inside the bldg. Where's LL and all the business?
if the earth is flat...why do they call it atmosphere and not atmoflat?
I wish someone would file a class action lawsuit against the bastards. If for nothing else, just to be a huge pain in their arrogant lying asses!
great questions, they do not respond. thanks IMO they are a bunch of lying low life POS's.
Where are the Turbine he promised? Emails don't work nobody responds! LL doesn't appear to be making any deals, why is he employed.
We'll check with a colleague if the bldg. is abandoned!
Whitefishbay....any signs of life at the CGEI property?
Coarse jesting and crude joking are attempts to elicit laughs by crossing a line into impropriety.