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11/10/18 6:35 PM

#156795 RE: Biobillionair #156768

NEJM is excellent article. They address the placebo in it. The results r outstanding. I stand by Dr Bhatt comments on the placebo issue. We crush it Monday. Bashers like Forbes are out there. Good science will prevail.

Thanks for all your DD today. Don’t worry we going way up Monday.
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Hey Jakey

11/10/18 6:42 PM

#156800 RE: Biobillionair #156768

Yeah, I agree there is a dark side hoping to derail the success of this trial & this company. How numerous these people are is very debatable, though. I’d call it relatively small. Regardless, the Anchor debacle is well behind us and Amarin has had a methodical, I would say maniacal, approach to defanging any & all obstacles in its path since adcom. You prolly saw it, but Bhatt has already addressed the hs-CRP issue in the placebo arm, more than adequately IMO, by referencing the just completed “log transform” analysis, among other things.

The forces of good, among both patients & doctors, have been longing for an easy to take, inexpensive, and powerful drug that can dramatically prevent not only MACE, but cardio death (and whatever else, we’ll soon learn), with virtually no side effects, are gonna crush the relatively few who stand in their way. And now that R-IT is over, the FDA has its “win” too, so even they are gonna fall right into line.

This drug is everything the government, insurers, doctors, and patients were hoping for. Rarely, if ever, do you get those groups aligned on anything. And Nissen and his conflict-of-interest/pride can go crawl in a hole & die.

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11/10/18 7:54 PM

#156874 RE: Biobillionair #156768

BB, regarding hsCRP, poster pax33 has offered an excellent explantion,

"You have a patient population with likely progressive inflammation that is already optimally suppressed with statin. Even with statin inflammation / cad will continue to progress. You give an agent that is effectively an anti inflammatory (vascepa). Particularly epa ratio. Guess what happens to the group that doesn't get vascepa. Inflammation continues to progress. The key is the reduction in the inflammatory parameters in the vascepa arm beyond neutral zero into negative territory. With time if just water as placebo + statin the placebo group is bound to have increased inflammation - hence progressive disease despite statin therapy. Remember, both groups already optimized on statin."

Moderator please sticky this excellent post.

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11/10/18 10:51 PM

#157016 RE: Biobillionair #156768

BB, Forbes is yellow trash, stinky sewage. You are a stallion. Please don’t step in the sewage. Doctors will trust NEJM and WebMD.