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watchful eye 33

11/02/18 12:24 PM

#103895 RE: LongFutureShot #103894

I’m not knocking your observation, Brother... But We, being the Retail Investors haven’t known a God Damn thing, for close to three years now. I have mastered keeping a watchful eye on the carrot in the dark. This Taint has played out exactly the way Counsel wanted it to play out, obviously My opinion. The SEC’s internal problems aka unforeseen extensions were a gift, once again My opinion.

Although, I Must say we have come up with some incredible outside the Boxlight speculation along this journey.

Bring us Home, Baby!!!



11/02/18 2:34 PM

#103910 RE: LongFutureShot #103894

Nothing will happen on Monday. It is just another (and what appears to be final) last day for Solaris to submit something to the Judge. Assuming Solaris once again does not respond, it could be anywhere from a day to a week before the revocation order is released, based on other recent cases under Ms. Fox Foelak's jurisdiction.
