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10/31/18 8:19 PM

#153711 RE: Crikker #153536

Crikey, I'm with you. Apparently there are quite a few of us who honed their inner B.S. meter to full alert status over the years. If I had sniffed the slightest bit of flip flop from my professors HD ( numbers) or JL ( science and history) I was gone and chalking it up to relying too much on free, anonymous help to make money in the market.
There were other contributors to my AMRN classes in psychology, morals and ethics and checks and balances. Who thought that was possible when you signed up on the Ihub inner web? I've posted before that this has been a 4 year degree on boutique investing 101 with a 2 year Masters in EPA Sciences.
As the months and years passed the knowledge and trust built, and so did my investment in the science of EPA. No one forced me to click "Buy" each time I dollar cost averaged. It took daily readings to keep my confidence or " confirmation bias" in check. Call it daily homework that's now paying off. We've all been helped with different levels of guidance here,
I posted to a certain individual in No. Cal that he's not privy to learning my share count should we be successful or not. It's best to leave it unknown except to say it is indeed easier to multiply share count with a 0 at the end vs. PPS