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10/30/18 11:25 AM

#170327 RE: Investor2014 #170321

Yep, good news means share price drops.

Some would say: when the share price drops it's good news...


10/30/18 11:26 AM

#170328 RE: Investor2014 #170321

The only news that the street is interested in is:
1. Approval
2. Partnership
3. Buy out

Anything else that is released, like todays news, is treated as a shorting opportunity. Until Missling announces a credible catalyst, we're in the clutches of the short sellers.
Even after the CTAD meeting, we still don't know anything definitive about the RWE progress of the super responders.


10/30/18 11:29 AM

#170329 RE: Investor2014 #170321

I am finally getting it! What are positive progressions for the AVXL company, are negative for AVXL price.


10/30/18 12:14 PM

#170336 RE: Investor2014 #170321

Looks like first enrolment is bad news. In fact any good news from Anavex seems to be bad news. Logical right?

"Good" news is no longer good when it undershoots the market's expectations. How long ago did they announce this trial was starting?...the expectation became that they were under way (little do they know the extent of AVXL overpromise/underdeliver) so now that expectation is shown to be wrong and it's perceived as a negative.


10/30/18 12:29 PM

#170342 RE: Investor2014 #170321

It is called "sell on the news" been around for many years.