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Elan Vital

11/01/06 12:20 PM

#132157 RE: brant_point #132145

fwiw..just spoke with a broker @ TD Ameritrade after getting a "We are not accepting orders on this security at this time" notice. Surprised the heck out of me to hear WAVX was on a list made up mostly of pink sheets and those about to be delisted. I advised him of the recent RS, PP, and relisting and asked him if that combination might have raised a red flag at headquarters.
"Perhaps", says he, but not his dept., that's Compliance
This was the kicker, he said they wanted to make sure it was me online.
Then quickly back pedaled to something like; they just wanted to make sure I was aware of what I might be buying.
OK, I accept his explanation & while thankful for their concern, parts of the exchange took me by surprise to say the least.
