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10/23/18 6:50 PM

#106414 RE: cantwaittoretire #106412

Lol Rory does not know the requirements better than anybody. They aren’t a secret. Anyone can look up the requirements. As of now an RS is nFusz ONLY option to uplist before the end of the year.
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10/23/18 7:14 PM

#106418 RE: cantwaittoretire #106412

No, you have misunderstood me. I really don't have a strong belief about the RS, like some others here have. Initially I was leaning toward there being an 'unleashing' of news while on the otc so as to avoid having to do a RS. But now I lean toward thinking there will be one but it won't be a big one, and here's why:

1. The 'no RS' was too long ago when the situation with the company and the price was very different, to be taken to heart now. That is amplified by Rory's choice to not answer questions about the RS in the SHAC call that he had set up to answer investor questions. I think if it was off the table he would have said so. I don't think he is 'holding back' from saying 'no RS' in order to allow the price to drop on the uncertainty in the short term in order to 'burn the shorts' later. If that had been the idea originally, surely he would have said something as the price continued to drop. But he hasn't.

2. In the last video it seemed that more than ever Rory's position is to get to Nasdaq at all costs, as he repeated the need to get there against the backdrop of the pitfalls of being on the otc. One of the points he stressed was his belief that the otc values the company way too low.

3. Due to #2 in combination with the price being low, I think he likely is reserving most of the good news until AFTER the uplist in order to avoid 'wasting' news on the otc, so there just wont be enough news to organically get there.

Waiting until afterwards to unleash most news does several things:
*It can be used to help to offset any negative effect of an RS.
*It enables those who fund the offering to make money after the funding
*It can entice more buying by large institutions that buy stocks on the Nasdaq
*It avoids the risk of using the news to organically get there and failing--which then would require either waiting for a time months or years later, or doing an RS. But if you do an RS and have no news to offset it, that could put you in position for delisting from Nasdaq.

4. I have strong doubts about the offering being an IPO valued far higher than the otc price for these reasons:
*It has no known precedent in the history of the stock market AFAIK. Offerings are at discounts to the stock price
*The actual stock price action since the announcement is counter to it.
*No institution is likely to pay far more than what they could buy outright on the otc, one way or the other
*I don't think SC is worth enough, nor has enough proven synergistic effects to justify a much higher stock price.

So, considering all of the above, I think Rory is leaving the door open, and mostly likely will have an RS, but may try to announce enough information so as target a certain price range for AGP to use so that the RS ratio isn't too severe.