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10/20/18 8:06 AM

#59934 RE: Magnum7419 #59933

On course for failure. As usual.

Fool investors once shame on Brian and pumpers. Fool investors 2 dozen times shame on investors.


10/22/18 12:08 PM

#59975 RE: Magnum7419 #59933

Your opinion is so cute, even in the face of facts. Here's one that I can speak to factually: Plaboy/Legends/Great Gorge is NOT happening. LIBE's not moving forward. If it was, I would have been contacted months ago with an offer, but I keep checking my mail.... NADA.

Here's how Conway perpetuated that baloney. He lived in Warwick, NY. Vernon, NJ is about a 15 minute drive from his previously foreclosed house. The local newspapers have been highlighting this decrepit hotel for the past two years, because of unpaid taxes owed to the town and county. Brian grabbed this as a publicity opportunity: say he's buying and renovating the hotel, the township gets excited and the mayor is willing to do a photo shoot. Brian walks away with major press material for a pump... What's the risk for LIBE? NOTHING. A non-binding LOI means squat, except to sucker hacks on the OTC.

What expertise does Conway bring to doing a 25-50M remodel of a hotel? None. He's never dealt with a project of that size, scale or scope. It's not happening, and never would have been able to happen.