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Eli's Gone

10/17/18 9:18 PM

#189646 RE: SoxFan #189645

Horrible call---the Fat Man couldn't get down the line far enough to see Betts reached into the stands where it's fair game--if Fat Joe had called it a dinger, it would have stood...

Eli's Gone

10/17/18 9:31 PM

#189647 RE: SoxFan #189645

MLB 3.16, not to be confused with John 3:16:

No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk. However, should a spectator reach out on the playing field side of such fence, railing or rope, and plainly prevent the fielder from catching the ball, then the batsman should be called out for the spectator’s interference.