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10/17/18 10:05 AM

#105530 RE: Nspireaction #105527

2 nFusz Inc (FUSZ) - Market Penetration & Revenue Updated 10-17-18 - Anything not linked should be taken as opinion.

Nfusz Inc's CEO Rory Cutaia has said repeatedly, “my job is to create maximum value”.

Think Big... Rory and team are ramping up operations by partnering with the largest and best platform providers of CRM. They've already signed major contracts with industry giant ORACLE NetSuite, Marketo and many others to add “notifi” products to each of their respective platforms. Oracle is global, and NetSuite's platform has over 2,000 sales people with millions of users on their platform. CEO

Right now, NetSuite is operating in 199 countries, supporting 190 currencies and 24 languages. And we will only continue to grow from here. Not only are we expanding our global presence, we’ll also support more currencies, languages and localizations.

Over 430,000 customers choose Oracle, and rely on Oracle Support, to protect their technology investment.

ORACLE NETSUITE Trusted by more than 40,000 organizations

Think Fast... These large CRM platform providers already have a very large sales staff and market to an even larger base of Marketers subscribing to their services. Partnering with these companies will allow nFusz Inc to immediately start leveraging thousands of salesmen “once training is completed” to sell our notifi products to the millions of users already in their systems. Further, upon completion of future agreements, each new partner will begin marketing “notifi” products to their platform users! Folks, this is a game changer and has the potential for exponential penetration into the markets and revenue growth!

Domination... A quick and extensive roll-out of this new tech will help nFusz Inc to secure the top position as a premium sales tool in all CRM platforms and will continue to expand it's presence by seeking relationships with all platform providers to continue penetration into the markets. Even though many companies have legacy CRM Systems, a “plug in” is available for this new sales tool for CRM & ERP.

Saturation... notifiCRM is the flagship product or the main engine. notifiEDU “learning”, notifiMED “medical” and notifiTV all have basically the same engine, “but with a twist” primarily to address new market opportunities. These new Verticals have huge opportunity and some are already in the works. There will be more “notifi” products introduced as needed to address other markets.

Companies such as Oracle are global, and provide CRM and ERP platform subscription services around the world. Nfusz Inc is currently signing agreements to capture 80 to 90% integration into the CRM markets.

* nFusz currently offers a CRM platform for individual Entrepreneurs, small companies and large corporations.

* Early roll-outs with the original version “V1” resulted in 15 to 18% of a partner's platform users signing up for the monthly service within the first few days.

* Rory has been crisscrossing the country for the last couple of months to educate and introduce his new “notifi” products to investors and potential partners. There is a huge market out there for nFusz inc and Rory's excitement from the receptions he has received is contagious. Please watch the last several SHAQ video updates & listen to the CEO Money recordings for more on his visits.

nFusz Launches Global Marketing Campaign For Its notifiCRM “Entourage” Package Designed For Network Marketers

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