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10/17/18 10:00 AM

#105528 RE: hesontheloose #105519

That comment IMO was responsible for the stock rising 500% in the next 3 weeks, more than any other factor. Investors could see that if it were true the stock would probably be at several dollars by year end, and the VALIDATION was only 3 weeks away! So, yes buy buy buy! And I did, and I'm thankful.

But, it wasn't as though he was PROJECTING that it would 'blow past' with only theoretical information. The launch was over 1/2 over for the quarter when he said that. He KNEW how many people had signed up.

So, I don't see how any true believers rationalize what it means. 'should never have been made' is not really a rationalization. If in fact they don't have 20,000 signups or even half that who are willing to pay $10 a month at this point, then the only 'out' I can come up with is that Rory thought he was about to sign an entire company up. But one should be VERY certain of something like that before making such a comment. It appears the employees ALSO thought it would happen - going on diets and buying Hawaiian shirts...