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10/17/18 12:07 AM

#14451 RE: Scotttrader80 #14448

The stock went down less than .005 cents. So, basically held steady.

What's interesting is that within 4 seconds after the close, in after hours trading, NAK started climbing, and continued climbing all the way up to the close.

Northern Dynasty Minerals, Ltd. (NAK) After Hours Trading

Close: NAK $0.57 + 5%

We haven't seen .57 in a long time.

I know, I know, after hours trading doesn't predict what the stock will do in the next days regular trading. But a 5% jump in price is impressive.

I don't see it going down to .40 from here. It hit .43 a long time ago' (and has been climbing since then) It went down not because of anything wrong with NAK, JUST THE OPPOSITE !!! Our joint venture partner was threatened by the third world country in which it had a major mine, and so it had to withdraw in order to defend itself.

All major mining companies are now being threatened wherever they have a mine in a third world country. Our mine is in a stable developed rule of law country. Major mining companies will be desperate to form a joint venture with us, so losing our previous, joint venture, which had poor terms for us, was a good thing!

The odds are that we will get much better terms this time. People sold their shares in a knee jerk fashion, which brought NAK's price plummeting over 50%, but now that people have had time to consider it, the price is climbing, and will continue to climb, especially since the political picture is turning in our direction.

Something to consider when you read posts from our two, now three, posters that have a different viewpoint. They are entitled to their views, as are we. I'll leave it at that.