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10/15/18 1:58 PM

#182301 RE: AlleggsoneBasketcase #182293

Uplisting audits are longer than normal because they go back years and look at all the share transactions dating back to 1985, along with getting the accounting procedures in place, etc... These are things that never have to be done again, once verified. The Auditors will only have to look at the most recent year.

Roger has always released the unaudited numbers early and now that the accounting controls are in place and historical info has been verified, it should be out in the not too distant future.

.. but we can still uplist without 2018 being complete...

... and once 2018 does hit, it will have a monster $XX,XXX,XXX number in the headline (audited), which is sure to turn heads. I would not want to be on the sidelines, this could be the ignition switch. Investors love large growth numbers (audited).


10/15/18 2:06 PM

#182305 RE: AlleggsoneBasketcase #182293

Certainly possible