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10/11/18 11:03 PM

#149139 RE: hamkypamky #149138

All of which you listed could happen.. however most importantly is the shockwave of 25% reduction of deaths caused by heart attacks as an add on to statin treated patients. That is all we need. Anything else is gravy on the biscuit. I'll take extra gravy please.


10/11/18 11:46 PM

#149142 RE: hamkypamky #149138

This may be the most nonsensical post I've read, and I've read almost 150k of them. So according to you, learning that V reduces CV deaths by a shitload won't move the stock much (simply idiotic comment), but EU deal will? Why don't you tell us how much, cumulatively, deals with China, ME and Canada moved the stock.

You say "short of astounding results"... what do you call 25% RRR... ummm ASTOUNDING?


10/12/18 5:01 AM

#149157 RE: hamkypamky #149138

hamky...("cute name")

You've been pretty low since followers...Just noticed this comment..

Quote "This drug may well be a cardiologists dream but the market is more oriented around profits and potential. We may see a small jump but the medical stuff is probably going to fly over the IBs guys heads."

I'm curious if you spent any time...even a few milliseconds...considering this statement..You try to come across as Bobby Axelrod..but...You don't get it and most of your posts would convince me that the last place in the world you should be hanging out is the stock market...

FYI...Amarin and Vascepa are not about cardiologists' dreams...they are about profits and potential...The potential being that Vascepa addresses a global market of well over a billion patients...Obviously there is no way they are going to get anywhere near to the entire potential...but even capturing 5% of this market (which is do able) would lead to revenue streams >$150 bil/year) and profits that would dwarf all but a few of the very largest companies on the planet..

Yes..Amarin is just about profits and potential...Not about cardiologist's dreams...

":>) JL