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10/09/18 3:48 AM

#205615 RE: Hattiesburg Patriot #205593

Lets see Hades-burger will be filming live. You want to know if I have questions to ask Moran? So you are going to be filming court proceedings or copping an interview? I have several, now that you mention it;
1. Will you be sharing a cell with a former comedian?
2. How do you feel about the paper Hades-burg parrot?
3. Does crime pay?
4. What were you thinking about?
5. If you had it all over to do again, would you do things differently, for example might you be a bit less corrupt?
6. Is there a message you would like to give loyal (victims)shareholders before being led off in shackles?
7. Are you taking a wig?
8. Are there any plans for Dewmar international and the ghetto juices or hippy bar that has psychedelic wrapping but doesn't get you high?
9. Will you finally surrender the corrupt corporation to a more responsible Ceo who thinks about victims and not just himself?
10. And lastly Do you have any more photos of Big Willy and You at the now defunct Duck Diner? If not, how about a few more photos of the tarmac from the hardest working Ceo in the business world?
11. Sorry, I couldn't resist an 11. What will you order for a last meal before being led off to the final sentence. Might I suggest, Crow Pie?