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10/05/18 10:38 PM

#243874 RE: Minnesinger #243873

Minnesinger - in a nut shell…well said! EOM.

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10/05/18 10:52 PM

#243875 RE: Minnesinger #243873

BTD approval, rally to 1.00. OM partnership rally to 3. Buyout price depends on when? Right now, 1.25 at most.... 5 plus for OM partner and successful P results. Everything rides on BTD or partner before funds run out. January 1st, 2019 this stock will either be zero or 3 plus....
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10/06/18 8:23 AM

#243876 RE: Minnesinger #243873

Buyout unlikely but nevertheless possible. Buyouts are typically done at a premium, since (in finance terms) the acquirer should be assigning an additional, terminal value to the future potential discounted cash flows, which the market tends not to do for a target company presumed to remain independent. (Another way to think about it is that the acquirer tends to compensate the target's owners for dionne remaining upside.)

A common approach is to look as the 'recent' market cap high and offer that or something just above it. Our fully diluted high was about $800MM in 2014. That would mean about $3.80 today. But investors who bought around the highs would of course want more. If the acquirer is really hot, we could see $5 with this thinking. However, if our pipeline is readily attractive to the acquirer strategically, the premium could be huge and we would see up to double that. This is assuming BTD and really strong P results.

Do not expect any buyout, let alone $10 or it happening in the next two months. Just keep your eyes on news and stay objective about our pipeline and investment. Most likely scenario is we get back to $.70-$1 in the short term with a deal.
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10/06/18 9:34 AM

#243879 RE: Minnesinger #243873

Figure LilK numbers to be a much closer estimate compared to the gang here that will most likely be on the bottom echelon as they all have nothing but contempt for IPIX.

Remember the science, the trial results, and the fact that BPs are currently flush with cash and very, very needy of replenishing their pipelines.

The OM/IBD market alone is quite large. Add in the additonal markets for B, which some have contended could be in the Humira-type range, and you see B is a potentially massive opportunity for some BP. Yet many will contend we will only get pennies for it?

Prurisol - results in the range many believe to be forthcoming from the P2b trial should/could rocket it into the position of first drug of choice for psoriasis due to ease of delivery (pill), safety (far and away safest, no contest), and efficacy (assuming we get a PSAI percentage of 50+). That would make P impressive in its own right, but then add in dermatology indications (acne,eczema, more serious skin lesion diseases) and the market for it more than triples. Now consider the possibility for other autoimmune diseases and revenues keep getting higher and higher. Think a BP wouldn't want this kind of drug in its pipeline and wouldn't be willing to spend up to get it?

Kevetrin - One word. PILL. Once this comes about Kevetrin should be the hottest complementary drug in the cancer arena, a drug that could allow currently too potent drugs to be used in the fight. That market is about $90B/yr. How is that for an opportunity?

Timing is crucial at this time, the current term sheet coming to fruition IPIX's lifeline to cash to keep all drugs moving forward. We need BP for this partnership dearly, but BP needs Brilacidin just as dearly. A full value partnership for both sides will bring great benefits to all, that is why I see a win/win partnership as the most logical conclusion as opposed to a stick it to them as hard as we can attitude from BP. Remember, B has almost unscratched further indications possible and this first partner should have an inside track to acquire the entire platform IMO to keep the problems away that partnering piecemeal with many BPs would bring about.

That is the upside view. You will be getting the downside views from others. Do your DD, make your own opinion.

From your moniker, I assume you are a singer from MN. What music is your forte?