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10/30/06 6:34 PM

#1931 RE: K-G #1929

histo and reversible?
You have to wonder about this- certainly a tumour
doesn't go away once the drug is withdrawn, some
hyper[plasia, trophy] possibly but I wouldn't say
this would be "never seen before" stuff. It's
unlikely to be something secreted unless it miraculously
gets resorbed on dechallenge. Reversible suggests something
mundane- like it just swells or something ( imagine
you got a high enough dose for this to be osmotically significant, not impossible if you deplete something in
the metabolic chain and some stupid intermediate gets
stored somewhere). Imagine storage granules or something-
like fat cells- they change appearance when they have more
fat and it reverses with exercise.
Usually when you think of phenotype changes you think of
irreversible maturation as part of a one-way life cycle.
If this is reversible and involves gene expression, I guess you could look to hormonal type stuff ( nuclear receptors ).
Are there any nucelar receptors for cx-717 or metabolites?

Just some ideas- my only point is if you go run these things down, even when you need to guess on the drug and the histology, you may develop some background.