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10/04/18 6:51 PM

#103591 RE: Trashboy #103577

I can speak to what pearsby is saying. Rory made some predictions a long time ago for some big dollar revenue back when The Matrix Group and ORU were big on the radar. These avenues didnt work out (as of now) and I truly believe Rorys mindset changed and a 2nd pivot, if you will, took place.

Oracle, Marketo and who knows what else started to materialize and I believe Rory when he says he saw this being much bigger than even he thought and he saw even more value that could be created. Hense the version upgrades and additional time we have waited. These version upgrades are suggestions from people using the software. Rory has made it very clear that he is interested in real long term value and if something comes a long to better that, he is going to take that path (paraphrasing of course). So why do people whine, cry and $hit the bed about delays when Rory has said its about long term value creation...he has also said get out if you dont like it. Cant be much more clear than that.

When asked about subscription numbers, revenue, etc. Rory has even stated it didnt work out so well before. HE FREAKING ADMITTED TO IT, yet he still gets hammered.

Truth is, I dont believe most people here have a clue what it takes to do what Rory is doing and that's ok. We are on the OTC and that is to be expected.

I WILL SAY THIS....I dont believe we have seen anything yet. I believe the real marketing effort has yet to come. People should do their Due diligence and forget the noise.

I'm in...3 years long fyi....prolly forgot more DD and knowledge of nFusz than most even know.