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10/04/18 1:47 PM

#13319 RE: bigworld #13318

Bigworld, Rickards also believes that China is keeping gold low so they can continue accumulating. That would make sense, although with Rickards you always have to weigh his info against his ongoing status as a quasi Deep State operative. Rickards says when China reaches rough parity with the US (8000 tons of gold), they will reverse course and drive gold higher as a way to put pressure on the dollar and thus undermine its role as the world's reserve currency.

Looks like Trump's trade war strategy had a significant victory with the new NAFTA agreement just signed, and before long he'll probably get a deal with Europe too. That will leave China, but the outlook there is increasingly bleak. It could be that the Deep State is backing Trump's aggressive trade tactics as part of their broad effort to rein in China.

But another ominous possibility, though not too likely, is that the Western finance cabal might be preparing for the orchestrated crisis that brings in the SDRs as the new world reserve system, and Trump and China will conveniently get the blame. Rickards has outlined how fatally flawed China's debt situation is (two dozen ghost cities, etc), so the plan could be to precipitate a crisis there soon which spreads globally and voila, in comes the SDR solution.

We know the ultimate plan is for the SDRs, and ideally the NWO banksters want to transition before China/Russia/BRICS get too strong. Alternately they (finance cabal) may continue weakening Russia/China/BRICS gradually while simultaneously strengthening the US in preparation for an SDR transition, but not for years. Lindsey Williams' insider source seemed to suggest this route as most likely since they (finance oligarchy) can't implicitly trust Trump to reliably do as he's told during a crisis.

Another wild card is the Neocon/Bolton plan for a direct shooting war between the Saudis/US and Iran. Along those lines, last year Lindsey Williams' source said that the flow of Saudi oil was being set up for a huge disruption, with the difference being permanently made up by the big increased US production.

Should be interesting. Meanwhile we are entertained with endless DC and media soap operas, and possibly an impeachment circus next year, can't wait ugh..


10/04/18 6:56 PM

#13321 RE: bigworld #13318

Bigworld, Check out my new Asset Allocation Strategies board -

Watching my dad's investing success over the years, I concluded that asset allocation plays a big role, especially in controlling risk. Here are the percentages I came up with for a conservative investor nearing retirement, taking into account that we're 10 years into a bull market -

50% - Bonds/Fixed Income
25% - Stocks
10% - Gold/Silver
10% - Cash
5% - Trading

These percentages don't include one's real estate holdings, collectibles, or any positions in commodities. The 25% in stocks would mostly be in large cap higher dividend type. Bonds would be divided into high quality corporates and munis. I included 5% for trading, for fun, but with strict position limits.

Overall this looks like a workable model, providing income and some prospects for modest growth over time. The 10% in gold/silver is disaster insurance.