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10/03/18 1:40 PM

#167510 RE: kevli33 #167508

Kevli33, thanks for posting this.

"For decades scientists have focused on the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer disease, but clinical trials based on that hypothesis have unfortunately failed. There is a new understanding of why biomarkers are important and how they evolve during the course of Alzheimer disease. Scientists are now trying to prevent Alzheimer disease before the memory symptoms appear and are using biomarkers to determine who needs early prevention," says Dr. Maki. "Understanding biomarkers in Alzheimer disease is important because there is roughly a 20-year separation between menopause and Alzheimer, during which time these biomarkers can indicate which women should be targeted for prevention."

One should also review the recent link which gives the HH update (1 hr or so). HH makes the point that women and certain other groups have a differing profile of cognition loss severity and onset.

Once we get this reset in place (as it appears we are now) maybe then some very real-hard questions should be followed up on regarding how we got here. for example: Why did the FDA continue/or allow the continuance of Amyloid Thesis based trials for decades, long after any child could see they were going nowhere? (see 99.6% failure w/> 1000 attempts over 20+ years). We need to ask how that happened, it is basic stuff. Who allowed that and what detailed corrective actions have been taken and what follow up is now established to prevent a recurrence?

Yes, now we have a Precision Medicine initiative which it seems will at least encourage different process thinking. Fool me once, shame on me, etc.

SEE the HH conference from recent days, he is all over this. But, who can explain why the past actions were allowed to go on for decades. Does anyone REALLY think BIIB-BAN has any kind of a chance at helping w/AD treatments or is just there way of being seen? Most of all we all lost TIME on target.Actions like theirs in the past sucked the air out of the room and sucked up FDA resources and Tax payers money for decades, only to be called off w/NEVER MIND.