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09/29/18 12:38 PM

#141181 RE: Renee #141180

So, spending a lot of hours to find delinquent SEC Registered stocks seems futile when the 'less sophisticated investors' (an SEC term) drown out every sophisticated researcher's work, whether it is BIOAQ facing assured stock cancellation or an SEC Suspended Registrant stock facing assured revocation of their stock registration(s).

Funny thing is every time I get to that point of thinking it’s not worth the effort and throw in the towel something comes out of the SEC to raise my hopes.
So here I still am trying to quit this fraud addiction!

NoDummy has been making some progress as well - so more hope there!

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09/29/18 12:50 PM

#141183 RE: Renee #141180

One asinine adage drives penny players: Risk Equals Reward. We see risk; slobbering addicts see reward, or at least thrills. So pointing out the ludicrous risks doesn't deter them.

That's my opinion based on 20+ years observing the alien planet that's Pennyland. Never mind that Buffett made $100 billion from rock solid blue chips, albeit sensibly leveraged. Risk only equals risk.
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09/29/18 1:17 PM

#141186 RE: Renee #141180

“whether it is BIOAQ facing assured stock cancellation“

It is a textbook case in confirmation bias to watch the mental gymnastics some go through on that board to deny that which is inevitable.
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janice shell

09/30/18 1:05 AM

#141227 RE: Renee #141180

Well said, Renee...
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09/30/18 11:57 AM

#141230 RE: Renee #141180

Don't let the noise get you down, Renee. I assure you it is not futile, and people do listen. Even the SEC, occasionally.

I know it may seem at times that the message doesn't get through, but it often does. Keep in mind that academic studies show that for every poster on an internet message board, there are 20-50 people who read, but never post. It is often those people who "get the message" as they are quiet, but receptive, as they are reading for information.

And I also look at it this way. Sometimes people need to experience something before the facts sink in. So a lot of people need to go down with the ship, so to speak, before they learn not to get on board a leaky boat in the future.

Regarding the SEC and delinquent filers, it has been my experience that the more often a delinquent filer is reported to them, the more likely they are to do something about it. With the SEC, the squeaky wheel absolutely gets the grease. So the more people that notify them of specific delinquent filers, the more likely it is to be suspended. The same is (somewhat) true of other violators.

So keep sending in those lists. And when a stock on the list begins to show signs of a pump and dump or other illegal activity, I suggest everyone send the SEC a specific notification about that stock and get it in their system by itself.

Here are the specific SEC contacts for delinquent filer notifications that go directly to the Delinquent Filings Group:, or call (202) 551-5466.
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09/30/18 9:43 PM

#141247 RE: Renee #141180

There exists in society a very special class of persons that are always referred to as the Believers. These are folks who have chosen to accept a certain religion, philosophy, theory, idea or notion and cling to that belief regardless of any evidence that might, for anyone else, bring it into doubt. They are the ones who encourage and support the fanatics and the frauds of any given age. No amount of evidence, no matter how strong, will bring them any enlightenment. --James Randi

And perhaps Thomas Paine said it best, eh?
