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09/27/18 4:35 PM

#153032 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

Sorry, it did not work for you, but it's working for others, including me.


09/27/18 4:36 PM

#153033 RE: Mickeyratt #153029


Biel Longs are Tight Fisted.

I personally know over 50 People that call BS.

But then the studies do say they don't work for 2 out of every 30,

and I don't know but think the ones it does not work for are to broken.

5 Years I thought I would need knee surgery,

9 weeks of wearing an Actipatch and my knee is perfect.


09/27/18 4:54 PM

#153037 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

Oh it doesn't work?Thanks Ratt,I will sell all my shares
tomorrow morning now I have that information!!Thanks buddy,take care
you hear.


09/27/18 5:30 PM

#153042 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

More excellent dd. This is exactly what we needed. A wire with a green light on it.


09/27/18 10:21 PM

#153071 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

Worked on both my feet, hip and back. Did not take one pill.


09/28/18 9:34 AM

#153084 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

>>>The product Doesn’t work.! It’s a wire with a green light on it.<<<

OMG, I just got a horrible flashback to 2009 and all the posts like this. Better review this company's progress, as your statement has been proven FALSE over and over again.

They work incredibly well, thank you!

Patient Invester

09/28/18 9:37 AM

#153085 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

Oh it does work! Your suppose to leave it on for a long period of time not for 15 minutes and give up.


09/28/18 11:59 AM

#153103 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

The product Doesn’t work.! It’s a wire with a green light on it.

Describes just about every electronic device.


09/28/18 1:10 PM

#153121 RE: Mickeyratt #153029

Doesn’t work? Tell that to my wife who broke the top bone on her left foot and after wearing an Actipatch 16 hours a day was able to mow the lawn 2 weeks and a day later and when her Doctor re-xrayed her foot a week after that pronounced it healed 2-4 weeks early and was amazed. Amazing little gizmos! GLTA Longs BIEL