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09/21/18 12:01 PM

#23797 RE: Seminole Red #23785

Good points Red. In a posted Op Ed from Anne Coulter, she said that the accuser told her story to her therapist after Kavanaugh showed up on a list of possible SOCOTUS picks by Mitt Romney.

I haven't seen that elsewhere. If it's true, you wouldn't have to connect a lot of dots to think her Therapist visit was a pre-emtive strike at Kavanaugh, in the event he ever became a SCOTUS pick.

IMO, the torching of Kav had a primary and a secondary goal.

1. Bring enough heat to get KAV to withdraw.

2. Delay to closer to the Mid Terms. ANY DELAYS fit the Dems playbook.

Oh how I hope Republican wafflers hold to Monday.