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09/21/18 10:11 AM

#101004 RE: tedpeele #101002

Oracle is migrating many of their products to NetSuite. Is the plan to move everything to their plarform, I don't know but NetSuite could turn out to be THE platform for CRM & ERP.


09/21/18 10:19 AM

#101009 RE: tedpeele #101002

I work for a fairly large international company (several thousand employees with several subsidiaries). They have been working on upgrading their website for the past 18 months.

When there are many changes going on within a company the size or Oracle, it can take much much longer than a company with say 50 employees.

Heck, I could make an amazing website if I had 18 months to do it in. It's not the time that matters. It's a process. Sometimes the process is smooth, other times, not so much.

I don't think Oracle is dragging their feet in the least bit. They are likely following a process, one that apparently has worked extremely well for them in the past.

As for the rest of our announced and unannounced partnership and customers. I really don't think we are going to have to worry about how the word of mouth is going to be getting out for much longer.

The whole video space will be nFuszed soon enough.



09/21/18 10:29 AM

#101017 RE: tedpeele #101002

Dr2 is two college kids trying to start a business. Nothing to be excited about.


09/21/18 3:56 PM

#101168 RE: tedpeele #101002

There are 435 3rd party applications listed on Suiteapp on Oracle. All of them got there the same way, they filled out the application, met Oracle's requirements with the product submitted, paid the annual fee (though I saw that Oracle waived fee for the first year). Do you think 2000 sales reps received training on all those? Do you think all of them got a joint PR from Oracle when they were listed? Do you think those 2000 sales reps are pushing nFusz or Oracle's own products?

Oracle isn't dragging their feet, they're treating it just like the other 434 3rd party applications listed on their website. They'll be happy to get their commission if it sells, but it is an illusion there'll be 2000 sales reps actively pushing the product.