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03/19/19 10:12 PM

#136960 RE: TenKay #99304

Holy hell you nailed it!
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03/21/19 9:42 PM

#138045 RE: TenKay #99304

Fellow Verb followers, this will be my one and only post.

Having followed the saga here for more than a year now with increasing interest over time, I have accumulated the ideas of what I believe to be some of the best thinkers here both in support of and in opposition to the potential of this security. Having cogitated upon this material for some time, I now will summarize important topics along with my own conclusions to pass along here in the final days of Verb's long and titillating journey on the wild and crazy Over-The-Counter exchange to the hoped-for wonderland of the Nasdaq.

To this end, I give acknowledgement to the many posters on this and the other board who have shared thousands of facts, ideas, and DD results. Thank you all.

This could be a futile effort since most seem to have made up their minds already, but in the hope that some permeable grey matter remains in a few with open minds, I humbly offer my ideas for consideration.

My own trek has gone from being very excited in the beginning, to having questions especially during the long silent period, to being excited again as we embark on a new chapter on the Nasdaq. But I won't pretend to be completely on board anymore. However, I'm hoping that Q2 is as amazing as we are told it should be. So without further ado -->

Areas covered --> CEO and Team, Products, Verticals, and Technology, Competition, Partnerships, and the Financial Value


CEO and Team

Rory's prior success with TELX

Rory's attempts to be transparent

Taj Golan from Salesforce, Chad Thomas MIT and MySpace

BODs and Advisory Board, with caveat that their value is proportional to their input, which is unknown.

Products, Verticals, and Technology

Products integrated or nearly so with major companies including Marketo, Oracle, Salesforce, and MS

Many potential verticals

Tagg CRM app ready on mobile

Working on Twitter for embedded interactive videos for most devices

Competition and Partnerships

By far the widest deployed low-cost interactive video platform for both interactive video creation and distribution, and video analytics

Kind words from Rich Bohn, even without the review

Financial Value

Sound Concepts cash flow and net income have turned positive

Strong Brightools app growth in number of current users

Sound Concepts Large number of Multi-Level-Marketing clients


CEO and Team

Rory's selective transparency - negatives often are not exposed until long after they happen

Rory's handling of expectations on major issues (old large revenue projections, timing of events, Software versions, Hawaii trip, No Reverse Split, "Ridiculously undervalued", acquisition offer price, etc)

Rory's exaggeration of numbers - the number of followers for rappers and influencers was far less than claimed, 250,000 network for Ultirus

Turnover of some key employees - may be normal in this day and age, but questionable if this is to be the next Google.

The David Levy <-> Jeff Clayborne close connection as we have seen here --> Hopefully that was just Jeff's bad luck.

Product, Verticals, and Technology

Minimal revenues and ambiguous explanations as to why, even though many individuals and companies had access to use the product and presumably experience dramatically increased sales from doing so. Free usage given to many, but non-free revenue sharing presumably has been active for others such as Ignite Visibility and D2R Marketing for some time. Maybe the product just hasn't been ready, but is confusing some.

No "organic" sales from Marketo despite their apparent support. Also no "organic" sales from Oracle even though the product was listed as an app. Very low downloads for any of the new products (TAGGCRM, etc), numbers and reviews may even just be shareholders.

Failure of MLM companies and only a few of their associates to embrace the product after the inaugural launch early in 2018.

Revenue secrecy about how many of the Brightools users are making monthly recurring payments, or how much those are. The "SC" Revenues haven't really grown much.

Missing independent studies showing improved results from using the product. Client studies only. Ignite Visibility at one time was a vocal supporter, but appears to have lost interest per one recent poster. Must agree that D2R reports have been sloppy in the past, and they also are an investor.

Lack of any large clients other than DM Leasing, who aren't using it much anymore

A lack of customer feedback. The ones listed ones are old and from PRs, and are mostly initial impressions than after real world usage.

Mr Bohn included, we have no independent review of any of the products by an industry expert

Reports by some of easy reproduction using standard source coding (?), rendering any patent protection unlikely?, and increasing competition quickly if the products prove to be successful. Not my forte.


Unfortunately, it's not obvious that the partnerships aren't what some are saying - about being something obtained easily. The main ones are described as being "add-ons", and there's some indication of the same even with the Microsoft one - since it requires a separate payment. No Oracle joint press release as was expected, which could have supported a high level of interest.

Financial Value

It is a growth stock in hi-tech, so maybe this won't be important but seems like it should be listed at least for now -->

Weak financials from Verb - cash flow loss outstripping the gain by Sound Concepts.

Book value of pro-forma company will be between only $1 and $2 a share after the acquisition is complete according to an accounting friend of mine

Many (60) institutions and the best price was a shocking $3.62 which is a much bigger discount to the market price than anyone thought was coming. Many thought it would be higher than the market price, which was in the mid teens in the weeks leading up.

A lot of dilution might be coming shortly if the financiers aren't really going to hold long term