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09/12/18 5:05 PM

#140651 RE: janice shell #140649

I'm a libertarian (and a Libertarian), butt for purposes of discussion on the DD Fraud Bored, I will take some liberties for literary purposes. With that proviso, I offer the following policy suggestions for an activist, statist society:

1. Start periodic wars and send ONLY those over 60 to fight them. Draft age will be 60 and all will serve with no deferments. Wheelchair-bound will be funneled into the airborne units. Legally blind will be sent to rotary wing (helicopter) school. Those using walkers will be assigned to UXO/EOD to go ~OUTT and find landmines. MREs will consist of gummable foods like oatmeal and farina - and of course a pack of unfiltered Lucky Strikes and a lighter.

2. Support use of all tobacco products at all ages - start them in grade school with chew and then move them to smokes in middle school.

3. Ban kale and crapola like 'red bean burgers' (yes, they have such crap in the Bay Area - specifically at a vegan restaurant in Concord). A hamburger is to be made only of ground beef - and 60/40 lean/fat ground beef at that. By law!

4. Let's gett drinking, Merrika! Our country was largely founded on exporting tobacco, cotton, and corn alcohol to Europe. The first internal rebellion in the Untied States of Murica was the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791. Let's encourage drinking so the cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, and esophageal cancers show up around the age of 60. Just before eligibility for Social Security and Mediscare. Kids in Europe drink wine and even hard liquor at the dinner table - why nott here? Let's gett those kids started on wine coolers and malt liquor in school instead of milk. And if we're going to allow them to drink milk, it ought to be whole milk or half-and-half. Bring back the White Russian to the school lunch tables.

5. Make it mandatory for all public spaces and all businesses and hotels/meeting rooms to allow smoking and provide ashtrays, matches, and complementary cigarettes just like they give you a pad of paper and a pen at meetings. Cigarettes need to be much stronger than they are today. Take away the filters and pack them more solidly. Use high octane Turkish tobacco. Import those nasty, putrid French brown-wrapper cigarettes that I used to have to suffer through when Pierre Chambon was holding court at a meeting break-out session back when indoor smoking was permitted almost everywhere. If it doesn't make the non-smokers eyes water and hurt, and make them cough and wheeze, then it's nott a real cigarette. Plus you need to maximize that second-hand smoke effect. The gummint should support the importation of the old-style, unfiltered, brown-wrapper French Gauloises and Gitanes. Give the Marlboro Man a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Require broadcasters to offer some of their public service time to brewers, distillers, and tobacco advertisements.

6. When you reach the age of 55, or become unemployed at or after the age of 50, you should be given a card, like a SS or Mediscare card, that will entitle you to free smokes and non-premium booze, beer, and fortified, screw-cap wine at every convenience store - aw hell, at every store - they can hit up Uncle Sugar for reimbursement by having you swipe your card at Czech~OUTT. Same for fast food joynts as long as you're buying fried, grilled, or deep-fried meat, shrimp, and potatoes - you can't use them to buy a McSalad or a kaleburger.

7. Eliminate vision tests for drivers license renewal over age 60. Eliminate the need for renewals after age 70 - once you've made it to 70, you have proven you're a good driver and you now have a lifetime license, no matter how short that life may be nor how blind you may become.

Janizz, I know you lived in Euroland fer quite awhile - did you ever try the unfiltered, brown wrapper versions of these? Gauloises Brauns (nott Blonds) and brown-wrapper Gitanes - now discontinued - absolutely the harshest, nastiest second-hand smoke ever.