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09/07/18 3:20 PM

#42606 RE: victorcollins #42601

Interesting post. I know this part isn't true:

he fell out with a “bald asshole” I assume was Chris.

And the CannaCruz Manager's speculation (if that's who you referenced) is just that, speculation.

they were not aware of any cannabis being harvested by VBF for sale ever

they seemed confident none of the product is coming into the market.

I'm confident that SIGO/VBF Brands is harvesting cannabis for sale and that the product IS coming into the market. I didn't speak with the CannaCruz manager but my DD differs from their speculation.


09/07/18 4:03 PM

#42611 RE: victorcollins #42601

Nice work VC, do you think the bald asshole could be Wade, iirc Chris has hair.


09/08/18 4:12 PM

#42618 RE: victorcollins #42601

Did you see the signs that Santa Cruz is Not Coal Country? While SC County is just up the road from Monterey County, clearly Monterey County has one Valerie that doesn't have "hello" in her repertoire.

She really peeved me, so it is Acela to DC from Penn (I might from Newark Penn as I will be in NJ). She could have had me at "hello".