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09/05/18 3:49 PM

#32712 RE: DataStream #32708

No, I'm advocating the CEO should work for free or for food.

Even with pay cut, the current salary + benefits is still excessive for a simple job of coordinating with law firms. There were no sales to worry about, no new product development, no R&D. So what exactly did the CEO do for the last umpteem years beside coordinating with law firms and filing SEC reports (the lawyers did all the dirty works)?

With regarding investing on MRMD, the CEO deserve a credit for now whether it was pure luck or your good investing decision. So, yes MRMD turns out to be a good investment now, but no one can guarantee that MRMD will be fine next 6 months, or years.

(One should look at the financial crisis not so long ago where the investment bankers took reckless and unnecessary risk to reap all the benefits, but when their reckless and unnecessary risk caused collapse of the banking system the taxpayers/governments then had to step in to save us from a depression ...)


09/05/18 5:02 PM

#32722 RE: DataStream #32708

Hear! Hear! Data.


09/05/18 10:27 PM

#32739 RE: DataStream #32708

I do like seeing you back on the board.
usually means something is about to go down.
One way or another.
Like I said, Think Thom is the reason everyone is here.
Do I like the agreement, no, but what I think about that is of no significance now is it? It is not.
Done deal.

I like WDDD, I like the case, I like the company, and
am waiting patiently for CAFC decision to get back in and make more money.
Just been making money elsewhere while we wait.
Think I will be able to buy back again much cheaper than I sold.
And will if a remand happens.
Honestly though I don't care either way the Judges decide as long as it keeps moving. Movement is life!
Movement is opportunity!


09/06/18 7:54 AM

#32740 RE: DataStream #32708

Bravo Data! I have spoken to Kidrin in the past.. He has always been busy, on conference calls or otherwise trying to advance our case. Each time I thanked him for all his hard work. One has to remember,he is also working on post-settlement possibilities. He is worth every penny and then some.

The Old Owl

PS: If he ever can't talk, he always calls back.