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09/04/18 12:11 PM

#97271 RE: Ziptrader0 #97268

I do understand. V1 failure, then V2 failure, then necessity for V3. Also, slow and disappointing training schedule. All things that should have been anticipated, not drug through the mud.

Rory had an excellent meeting with Oracle in April/May time frame...then delays and needed upgrades.

CEO's need to be looking ahead, not falling behind. Rory even said the ORACLE deal alone was worth 7 dollars per share. At this pace, maybe in three years. The adoption for Marketo and Oracle are abysmal..plain and simple.

Excuses are great..but they do not pay the bills..unless of course you buy a company and dilute into oblivion to right the ship!

It seems like you are turning your back on the last 6 months. In fact Rory forecasted Millions in sales in 2017. How far off can you be by misleading shareholders when 2018 will only be 35K..Seriously!

Sophomoric CEO..Over predict..Under perform...BY A LOT!!!!!