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08/30/18 11:22 PM

#535814 RE: hotmeat #535813

$10 Billion+ is a huge tractor wheel. $67 Million is a tiny pebble. You don't hold back a huge tractor wheel using a tiny pebble for years, I just don't buy that. I believe there is no huge wheel.

If I know 100% FOR CERTAIN that I have $10 Billion coming to me, but that I dont get it until a third party finishes their fight over $67 million, then what I do is give that party $67 Million to get out of the way, especially if the alternative is me waiting years to get my money. Makes absolutely no sense. There IS NO WAY!

I see no wheel...

Edit, add on-
At just 1% interest, that $10B produces $100M/year. Not paying $67 million to get the third party out of the way causes me to lose $233M. Nope, dont buy it. You give them $67M to leave.


08/31/18 12:58 AM

#535823 RE: hotmeat #535813

Signs to look for before escrow will get paid:

- Sept 24: deadline for objections. If there is then how much longer do we have to wait? Why don't the judge dismiss these disputed claims once for all?

- Nov 3rd: PIERS should get final distribution. If not then it is a bad sign and they will drag on for many more months if not years,

- Feb 2019: deadline for objections to employee claim payment

- Between Nov 2018 and Feb 2019, it is a good sign if escrow get distribution for 67M and if not then at least LTI.

This 67M payment will signal that the trust will be willing to pay as money become available and not wait til they are all done with counting money.