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08/28/18 3:57 PM

#372832 RE: kbrod1 #372831

Seeing that the only known verifiable product the principal ever produced was a very poor quality phone app, turned into an even poorer streaming app years later and never brought anything to market, I would agree that this whole enterprise was created as a atm that the principal can run for almost free from his house. He now does most likely run it from his new apartment.

Even trying to buy a pinball machine part from the nanosux store resulted in no product.


08/28/18 4:35 PM

#372834 RE: kbrod1 #372831

Whatever became of this lie?
Miles was a fake pen name for that article.

Is M. Morris on the lawsuits?

And the n-t-ek store no longer has a link to it. The store is no more?
Darn, now I can't buy a np1.

Is the principal hiding in Mass? I believe the principal got his start on the East cost.