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08/25/18 3:28 PM

#163674 RE: Aero-man #163671

I hate to say it but it might take someone tweeting Pres. Trump at 1 am in the morning daring him to solve the Medicare and Medicaid debt in a decade or less by making it a TOP priority to start the Anavex trials in the US. It might even help to kick the social security can down the road another decade as well. Not in the least to mention this also would be a convenient distraction from the quagmire he is currently in.

We are a nation of lawyers being fed at the trough.

The president signed the "Right To Try Act" in May 2018, which also seems to be buried down deep, somewhere in the FDA cesspool – high time for the peasants to breakout the torches and pitchforks and storm the Bastille.

Doubledog dare #someone to take this task to hand because I dont tweet, FB, Snapchat, etc.

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08/25/18 4:35 PM

#163675 RE: Aero-man #163671

Right on Aero-Man! Kind of like the Parents of DMD patients have done and are doing.
( Voices must be heard! The "Swamp" is thick but multiples voices can be heard. Hoping those trips to D.C. from TGD layed some seeds for our future.

Anavex Now!