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08/21/18 6:06 PM

#534541 RE: hotmeat #534469


I concur.

“What is 'Beneficial Interest'
A beneficial interest is the right to receive benefits on assets held by another party. The beneficial interest is often related to matters concerning trusts accounts. For example, most beneficial interest arrangements are in the form of trust accounts, where an individual, the beneficiary, has a vested interest in the trust's assets. The beneficiary receives income from the trust's holdings but does not own the account.

Read more: Beneficial Interest


1) the individual trustees (i.e. DB, BOA, Citi, US Bank, etc.) own the loans that were securitized under MBS.

2) WMI Escrow Marker Holders own the benificial interests in those monthly payments from MBS Trusts

3) therefore, the IR guy did not lie or mislead.

4) the individual trustees would have the information regarding who are the certificate holders of each MBS Trust