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08/21/18 1:10 PM

#188807 RE: RDG013 #188805

He defensively stinks. You see I don't agree with you when a kid comes to the big leagues at 23 or so. I disagree that the defense improves radically. Generally they are what they are. Now not saying he can't get a bit better, but andujar will always be a below average defensive 3b, just like rosario will always be at the very least a below average defensive SS, and they would have to improve to get to that point. Right now they are both trainwrecks defensively at their respective positions. I mean rosario is and error waiting to happen. The difference is as eli says, Andujar bat more than makes up for the holes in his glove. Rosario although his bat is improving doesn't plus SS is the most important defensive position on the field. I personally would even think about trading him with the right offer, or at least acquiring a bonafide SS, because I tell you he cannot field the position.