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08/21/18 3:46 PM

#149461 RE: uksausage #149405

Great post.


08/21/18 5:11 PM

#149462 RE: uksausage #149405

>>>I do believe BIEL themselves and Amazon on behalf of Biel have stopped shipping the old three products.<<<

If that IS the case then I will take that as a positive. That should mean we are about to market the single SKU product as soon as we get the go ahead. Could be the reasons we have seen 'out of stock' on some online stores. Don't know when they stopped the 'specific use' products but if last quarter, maybe that was the reason for lower sales. Let's face it, the USA market was ALWAYS been their main objective and concentration. I am anxious to see that strategy incorporated when FULL CLEARANCE is granted.

Anyway, I am not going anywhere. I will stay invested to see the USA FDA happen and beyond, because that is when we will start seeing PR"s one after another and good news repetitively on the USA marketing campaign.


08/22/18 12:17 AM

#149471 RE: uksausage #149405

If you have a product, especially a product which could be a game changer, as they say, then advertising is never wasted. By the way, Actipatch is sold all over the world, not just in the FDA ruled, U.S. of A. Although, the U.S. is the largest Actipatch market, there is a whole lot of money to be made in other countries. So you advertise in these places. You know, there would be a potential by-product afforded BIEL if they advertised heavily outside the U.S., and thus, was successful in bringing in respectable amounts of cash, and adding customers. That by-product would be in the form of applying pressure on the FDA to award clearance for Actipatch, ASAP. Thus, how could the FDA justify witnessing populations all over the world enjoying the benefits of this product, while conversely, having people of this country being denied those benefits because of their recalcitrant attitude towards BIEL. If the people of this country got wind of that, they would have the FDA at bay. Yes, that's right, on the run! Throngs would be snapping at their heels! IMHO! That's My Take!!