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08/20/18 8:21 AM

#534129 RE: hotmeat #534127

hotmeat, you said the following.

Exchanging assets for shares does not equal "Converting to Cash" in any way.

I am not sure what you do not understand. WMILT is set up as a pass-through conduit entity that would receive shares from WMIH in payment for beneficial assets (although not literally due to it being a pass-through entity) then liquidates them to the signed releasors accounts.

The pass-through is just that, the payment from WMIH in shares does not literally stop at WMILT for any length of time - it passes through.


08/20/18 9:35 AM

#534145 RE: hotmeat #534127


I was never real good at sentence structure BUT, you might want to look up the use of a comma

The way I understand it is like this

They have to LIQUIDATE which includes selling transferring bartering what ever ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TURN TO CASH!!!!!!!!!!

Let me do it this way
I am going to LIQUIDATE MY HOUSE, SELL it , barter it, donate it
Now I can't do all three so I have the OPTION of any of the 3 choices

I am sure we have several ENGLISH majors out here that could further explain or correct me if I am incorrect

Again the lawyers here KNOW full well what a comma means IN THIS INSTANCE and so do the english majors here.


08/20/18 12:04 PM

#534209 RE: hotmeat #534127

Now see hotmeat you're just muddying the waters with facts, don't do that, it's not what some here want to hear. Do we know when, if anytime the LT will finish?