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08/19/18 1:14 PM

#533996 RE: hotmeat #533993

Completely agree. I do not see any way around it. Someone conjured up a theory that has WMIH involved with the LT or as a direct beneficiary of WMI's returning assets (if any), and others latched onto that theory and cannot bring themselves to accept that it holds no water. Only time will prove the invalidity of the theory to those folks, not facts.


08/19/18 1:43 PM

#534008 RE: hotmeat #533993

Google FDIC-R & mandate is to MAX all cash & assets under it's control.


08/19/18 2:11 PM

#534017 RE: hotmeat #533993

PLease dont go there CASH has to be distributed and YOU KNOW THIS VERY WELL
Why do you CONtinue to play these games.

The residual PARTICIPATION RIGHT will imho be all that is EXCHANGED in a S4V!!!!!!!

CASH gets distributed and remaining assets that PRODUCE CASH(participation %'s) will be what the S4V would be about, BUT again you know this full well!!!!!!


IF IF IF this is being built into as big a company as it seems to be your theroy leave all of any value left to be the NOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUREELY YOU JEST


08/19/18 2:15 PM

#534019 RE: hotmeat #533993


"""""""What single piece of fact or document gives this S4V theory any credibility??? To my knowledge current and past events, and documents debunks it at every turn.""""""""

Some of our paper goes out years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I am not talking 1-2 yrs, commercial paper is oft times written 30-40 yrs out

PAST THAT I guess LOGIC says , nobody in their collective right minds sell cash generating assets especially when they are attempting to build a big CO, you keep all the cash producers you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SIGNED WAIVERs and have em or didn't or have few


08/19/18 2:34 PM

#534034 RE: hotmeat #533993

Just like any astute businessman would say, you want WMIH / COOP to pay the lowest price for any assets it acquires and you want the WMI Liquidation Trust to sell assets at the highest price as possible.

So the two goals are completely opposite of each others, and one should not tie the interest of WMIH / COOP with the interest of the Liquidation Trust.

If by any coincidence that WMIU / COOP acquires any old WAMU assets, it is just a coincidence because the Price Is Right but it is not the goal. So I am pretty sure that WMIH / COOP will bid on the 1 Trillion of mortgage loans that the government seized in 2008 that nobody wants to buy including JPM, and the government wants to get rid of it now. Among this one Trillion of loans there are likely some WAMU loans among them. If COOP ending buying some, it is like you cast a fishing net in the ocean and your goal is to catch salmons but you end up getting some tunas and some crabs also.

And for those who keep on saying that how can the Preferred Trusts stop producing divies, remember that this is a bankruptcy of WMB as well as WMI. Geez. And those trusts don't back Preferred in the first place. They only produced income for Preferred while they are still alive.