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08/19/18 9:53 AM

#533940 RE: hotmeat #533937

My personal opinion - and I know some will howl me down at the campfire for expressing this - is that all assets of WMI that were not specifically given to WMIH by the POR (or otherwise specifically dealt with by POR 7) will go to the LT for distribution to claimants and escrows in accordance with the priorities established in POR 7. And any distribution to escrows will be done by the LT in accordance with the 75/25.

I think the idea that the disposition of some WMI assets are not governed by POR 7 is silly. That is not what safe harbor is about at all. It places some transactions of the debtor beyond the reach of the bankruptcy court, but not assets in which the debtor has a residual interest that are returned as a consequence of the winding up of those transactions (assuming there are any such assets).


08/19/18 11:25 AM

#533952 RE: hotmeat #533937

"RESURRECTED" is yours and Jerry's terminology...

Never has it ever been suggested they will be resurrected NOT ONCE!

WHat has been suggested it that THE OLD commons/prefferds MARKERS could be purchased WITH NEW WMIH common/prefferds.

So if you are not looking at this as even a possibility, please explain to ALL here, WHY the company immediately PRIOR to a failed PURCHASE of an ARM OF GE, did the company increase the TAS to 3.5 """BILLION yes BILLION and the prefferds to 10 million shares""""

Did they do it just to look cool?????????? LOOK BIG?????

THERE WAS THERE IS a reason they did this in 2015 and was NOT FOR GRINS AND GIGGLES

You do KNOW it costs $$$$$$$$$$ and lots of em to register shares for trade, and so they supposedly did this for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! using your own word RUBISH

Players of this stature don't do anything for NOTHING or no calculated reasons.

OH and what better time to issue 300 mill shares that then RS to 25 mill


ALSO WHAT issue was court ordered to be sold that DA BOYZ had been buying hand over fist AND GOT CAUGHT??????? K PREFERED shares and forced to sell some 800K of em, doesn't this at least indicate even too YOU, they did not consider them to be going anywhere????????


08/19/18 1:11 PM

#533995 RE: hotmeat #533937

My Wag is that people who bought the old common and now find out about the 75/25 split til the end, want to reverse history in their dream. Or they didn't buy enough of the old stock to have enough escrow markers and now want WMI assets to go into WMIH. Or they cannot afford WMIH shares and now want free shares via an S4V.

Unfortunately, daydreaming does not usually produce the outcome that one wants.