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08/15/18 7:06 PM

#148798 RE: GetSeriousOK #148797

8% is a reasonable interest rate for these loans.

and we know the shares wont be dumped once converted..... win/win

now lets get the Dr Scholls deal and upfront payment to avoid future cash needs


08/15/18 10:25 PM

#148832 RE: GetSeriousOK #148797

The Whalens have a real sweet arrangement. They have been living nice off shareholders for years. They just keep printing shares. You're correct. He doesn't have much incentive to change his strategy. Fourteen + years (57 consecutive losing quarters) with a legitimate, marketable product. As a slimy shyster have to admit fairly successful. As a articulate competent CEO he is woefully inept. His track records speaks for itself. My only dilemma is to refer to him as Andy da Putz or Uncle mumbles,fumbles & bumbles.


08/16/18 7:45 AM

#148843 RE: GetSeriousOK #148797

"And he just borrowed the money for Q2 operations from three lenders who are charging him 8% interest."

Can you think of a better way to accumulate shares, at discounted prices, than to lend the company funds, convert the debt to equity at discounted acquisition prices, while earning 8% annually on the debt, which is also repaid in more discounted shares?

In a company with a patented, FDA OTC cleared, drug and side-effect free, efficacious device that can help 140 million Americans suffering with chronic or acute pain? Psst, it's like being a bank, only better. You are repaid way more than you loaned out, while making 8 points 24/7.

Providing BIEL succeeds in receiving general FDA OTC clearance, on top of the 2 OTC foot and knee clearances it already has and makes the first USA retail and/or co-branding deal, then there is the share price upside as Note 7 to the financial statements carefully, a thing of beauty...sleepin like a the company, make a deal and sleep like a baby.... :)

BIEL.....imminent Tsunami