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10/26/06 4:52 AM

#6005 RE: Gulfbreeze #6004

Thanks Gulfbreeze.

Civility is the reason I shut down the machine last night before I was tempted to argue.

So it goes.

Despite the brou-ha-ha and my beliefs, I will continue to vote Republican for one reason. I believe we will be safer under their rule than under the Democrats.

I'm still watching Glenn Beck on HLN. He brought up the same point citing the spate of suicide bombings in Iraq which seem to be growing in intensity from day to day. He attributes them to an effort by the terrorists to put the cut and run crowd in office.

He made me think. Prior to the 2004 elections, the terrorist tactic was to cut off as many heads for the video camera as they possibly could. As soon as the elections were over and the Republicans remained in charge... wham... the beheadings stopped. At least the publicized ones did.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the roadside bombings if the Republicans maintain control. However, if the Democrats take over, I'm betting the roadside bombings will escalate with the hope that we pull out.

If that happens and we do pull out, I pray to God that we do not open our doors to the "refugees". There will be terrorists among them who use the opportunity to set up camp here all on the American tax dollar dime.

Fall mountains.
Don't fall on me.

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10/26/06 8:03 AM

#6007 RE: Gulfbreeze #6004

Hey GB...long time, eh?

Hope all is well with you. ;)
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PMS Witch

10/26/06 8:25 AM

#6008 RE: Gulfbreeze #6004

A Canadian soldier in Afghanistan wrote a poem to Jack Layton.

Layton is the leader of our left wing federal political party who want's Canadian the military to come home.

Cheers, PW.

Copied from

Dear Jack Layton,

You sit there in your quiet home, no fear is in your heart,
You sleep soundly certain that it won't be blown apart.

Your children they can go to school and play out in the park,
They've never seen a bomb explode, heard air raids in the dark.

They've never seen dead bodies piled up on the street,
Your wife, she won't be beaten, treated like a piece of meat.

You are free to form opinions, read any news print you can see,
You enjoy your rights and privileges in this country wide and free.

The reason you can live like that is because I fight your wars,
I fight and push the enemy back, I keep them off our shores.

I am here and you are there pretending you know best.
Well Ole Jack now listen close while I get this off my chest.

You have the right to criticize, you have the right to complain
You don't have the right to drag me down in a stupid political game.

The thing about your rights Ole Jack, the part you can't comprehend
Is you work in the very system, the democracy I defend.

I stand on fences around the world protecting those that need it,
It is not for you to determine Jack whether or not it's worth it.

Ask the people in Afghanistan if they want me to stay,
Women and children depend on me - you say just walk away.

I don't need your changing policy, trying hard to not lose face,
What I need is you behind me, helping protect this place.

You know its hard to do this when I think I'm all alone.
I hear stories of young punks pissing on memorial stones.

I read the papers over here and they tell me what is said.
Canadians are losing faith I can't get it through my head.

You say that it is hopeless, it really brings me down
Don't tell my mother we're losing, don't spread that rumour around.

I'm doing good, were winning here but no-one will believe
Because we are way over here where no one there can see.

Women here can work you see, children starting school.
We built a working government, we've broken Taliban rule.

We are so close to winning this, it's not too far away
History will show that we were in the right to stay.

When that brilliant day arrives, victory you'll claim is ours
You'll forget you said to run away - forget you are a coward.

On that day just thank me for my courage and my trouble,
Find another place that needs help, and send me on the double.

written by Josh Forbes Calgary Alberta

P.S. ...the "left wing" wants to put straws in unborn babies heads and suck their brains out...

I thought this was how the "left wing" supporters were created in the first place.

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10/28/06 11:54 AM

#6066 RE: Gulfbreeze #6004

Hi GB, good to see your name here again.