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08/07/18 11:18 PM

#162608 RE: Plowmaster #162602

A fake comment about fake Tweets? lol


08/08/18 1:08 AM

#162618 RE: Plowmaster #162602

"Fake tweets" is a nice way of saying "more of the same old crap tweets" from Roger.


08/08/18 4:07 PM

#162763 RE: Plowmaster #162602

How about January when Roger tweeted about audit expected to be completed by the end of January. Roger did that just to see if the pps would go green cause he seen that the pps was dying and there was no help to get it Green again. And since that fake tweet the pps has been falling and many investers have sold out and no big investers are willing to buy into Roger's misleading noise. Investers knows what's going on and they're not buying into it.