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08/03/18 8:35 PM

#35478 RE: elbiatcho1 #35476

Well, after messing with the drivers and the registry and everything else (at one point I lost Bluetooth altogether!) I decided to try an uninstall/reinstall of the third-party software. These must be installed on both the computer and the phone.

When I deleted the active version on the computer I noticed I had kept the original setup file for an older version on my computer (I keep a download file of everything I download just for emergencies like this), so I thought I'd try reloading the older version that worked with my old phone. When that was done, I still had no Bluetooth connection but I could connect via USB -- this was a partial success.

I went to the gym to work out for an hour, still thinking through the problem of how to reestablish the Bluetooth connection. I couldn't download a legacy version of the third-party software for my phone from their site as it wasn't available, but it was available on my old phone.

Sooooooooooo, when I got home I installed Samsung's Smart Switch software on both phones and deleted the more recent version of the third-party software on my new phone and was able to bring over the older version from my old phone. So, I now had an older version of the software on both the computer and my new phone (the version that had worked well for me before I got the new phone and installed the newer software).

The moment of truth. Connected via USB on my phone then on my computer at which point the phone made some really strange clanking noises, but it did connect. OK. Disconnected and tried reconnecting via Bluetooth. Again nasty noises from the phone, but VOILA! it connected! Success at last (though I'm not at all sure what will happen when I shut both gadgets down for the night, LOL).

So, after all the messing about, it is now working perfectly again though I hope those horrible noises from my phone do not mean it is being damaged. I also trust in all my messing about in the systems and registry I haven't created any other problems. Time will tell!

I must admit that while I find these gadget problems a bit frustrating, I do enjoy a challenge, and I am dogged enough not to quit until I have achieved my ends! I also learn a lot in the process.

So, all's well that ends well and thank you for your input, elbiatcho, and hope all this info may help someone else with a similar problem.
