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08/02/18 10:16 PM

#6086 RE: Sunnybank #6085

It’s never been in trips

rich pearl

08/02/18 10:46 PM

#6088 RE: Sunnybank #6085

oh, fer pete's sake. are you sure you haven't been drinking his rice wine? fifty cents? right! most brand new issued stocks start way beyond their worth. you're paying to get the first tranche of shares.

fact of the matter is, this stock has been trading actively for only one and a half years, yet the year high of .0812 is a 4 year high. as for the likelihood of going to the trips, it has never been below .0025 and that's when there was literally nothing on the horizon other than the talking of strategy.

i don't suppose you've ever seen a stock running up tenfold on a gazillion shares in a real pump and dump that's 'dun' and over with in no time at all? no! that would be pennystock normal, wouldn't it? and no big deal. but this... this price correction from .07 to .02 on less than 13M shares done over a 6-7 week time frame is all the sign you need to know its a p&d. may i ask where is or was the pump? maybe i missed it, cause i've been here for a year and this stock took months of slowly churning upward on low volume just to get to that high of the year.

guess these 'promoters' weren't that greedy. or maybe they don't exist.


08/03/18 9:57 AM

#6091 RE: Sunnybank #6085

Trips would be .0009 or less. o/s is 30m. So I could - in theory own $ASKH for as little as $27k or less. I hope you are right, I would love to own this SEC reporting shell- $27k or less would be a bargain.


08/03/18 12:10 PM

#6096 RE: Sunnybank #6085

Where was the pump? ??