The point is the VP product might as well be located on the moon, since without any real clients it just as good as if it was located on the moon.
I have stated several times that I do believe Bruce has a mouse trap that has some value, big or small has yet to be determined by the marketplace and may never be, since he fails at every turn to deliver a single real client. Nothing vindictive just the facts based on reality!.
Calculating a value for VLDI based on an endpoint analysis associated with acquisitions of social media companies has absolutely no place in valuing VLDI! First of all social media acquisitions were based on the value that endpoints can bring based on the ability to do endpoint advertising. What in the world does that have to do with cyber security. Apples and oranges. Second those acquisition also had 400-600 million endpoints and they were growing exponentially both with their endpoints and with revenue well before being acquired. Guess what, VLDI has no ongoing revenue, has no endpoints in a commercial applications, so why in the world would anyone think they have any value! Once again apples and oranges. It is like calculating ones winnings in the Mega million lottery without having the winning ticket. Such a calculation is totally worthless and meaningless. Do the math zero times zero is still zero. .