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This stock and company are about to take off. VLDI is on the war path. Bruce has all systems up and being looked at in Latin America and North America. You can doubt all you want but it takes time for the plan to come into place. There are discussions going on with some big hitters and testing of the product is being done. The roll out is in our favor and now we hang on for the ride. I don't care about the 26443 old posts. All you haters out there can kick rocks. Everyone else should get on board and start cheering for your team. The Penny Preacher knows more than you think. Thats my dog we have been in the trenches together. So, buckle up and if you are a hater come to Missouri, and I will buy you a bucket of chicken and a watermelon!
Truely Yours
LOL, yes it is so entertaining to see posts like I can't believe what I am hearing and hold on tight this is going to finally take off. So full of details and factual information that everyone must want to rush out and try to buy the stock. So it is a good thing Bruce went dark so no one can buy the stock and push the price up. Just like last year around June-July when a deal was done but the lawyers need a little more time. In the meantime my cyber security stock that is base on AI went from 2.45 to 30.00 in just 7 Months. If you only did more research on how AI is revolutionising the cyber security business and wait until quantum computing is added to that mix you would not be counting on VLDI to come back from the grave. .. Yes maybe Bruce has some ridiculous plan that kicks the can down the road over 7 years that does not follow the old and proven adages for a startup like show me the money, show me the sales, show me the revenue, show me the usage, show me the glowing client reviews and finally show me exponential growth with named clients
Bruce couldn't do it the right way even though he tried over the years and failed at ever attempt to make real sales. .Yes all my DD only showed one client which is a small real-estate office in California using the product. Hold on tight this blasting off!
As always I can't wait to be proven wrong
Welcome back, surwin. We have missed your cutting-edge analysis of this investment.
Please don't stay away so long. Your posts are so entertaining, we have missed them.
They are always so insightful, and full of really important information, germane to the smallest detail.
Too bad that with all of your "research," you have never actually tried to understand Bruce Benn's business plan.
All I can say is, BUCKLE UP, SPARKY, and HOLD ON TIGHT!
Cuz, Validian is about to go to the moon.
Oh, wait, you don't own any shares, so you are not going anywhere.
Too bad, so sad.
Oh, well, we will wave at you in our rearview mirrors.
And then I am going to take some of my money and start looking for a place to build my dream.
I will know that I have found the right place when someone says, "What's a surwin?"
These are not my numbers and they are from the SEC 10K filing when it was a reporting company which I stated.. BTW I was not answering the question on share count but trying to answer the question about the number of holders and if you want to nitpick do a little more more DD you will find some places that have the common share count @ 688, 291,000.. BTW the share count is a joke since only 700,000,000 are authorized, but if all the debt, preferred and convertibles are converted the common shares the share count would be way over 1 Billion. The joke is your rocket will never get off the ground and if it does it will simply fall back to earth like most rockets. !.
Thanks, surwin, for another superb example of your incredible FIVE-YEAR-OLD due diligence, obviously based on your years of technical and fundamental analysis of the company.
Actually, the OFFICIAL AUDITED float as of the last PUBLISHED audited financial statement was 686,787,060.
And even that figure is no longer accurate.
The following is from the latest reported financials ( 2018 10K) fwiw, since it does not breakout the number of holders per each brokerage house:
On March 20, 2019, the closing price of our common stock was $0.0125 per share.
(b)Holders -- There were approximately 231 holders of record of our common stock as of March 20, 2019, inclusive of those brokerage firms and/or clearing houses holding our securities for their clientele, with each such brokerage house and/or clearing house being considered as one holder. The aggregate number of shares of common stock outstanding as of March 20, 2019 was 688,287,060 shares.
Who do you think Preacher is going to call? You were on the call with Bruce two weeks ago and completely wasted his time! Why didn’t you just ask Bruce then? You four took advantage of that call that I set up. Missed opportunity…
Mr. Preacher,
Do you know or does anyone know just how many shareholders there are of Validian stock?
Jason (jjc1)
The best thing that has happened to Validian for all of us who were tired of the long wait is that Bruce took the company dark. If he had not done that, I suspect that all of us would have sold our position years ago. As it turned out, we were all forced to hold onto our stock, like it or not.
Believe me, you will be thrilled that you held on.
If you say so Preacher... Not like I have much of a choice!!
Believe me, you wouldn't believe what is going on with Validian right now even if I told you.
It is nearly unbelievable.
I hardly believe it myself.
That is where you have made your mistake.
It isn't a train, it is a Parker Solar Probe rocket.
And like all rockets, it feels inert just before lift off.
"Hold on and buckle up... Why? This train feels completely inert..."
That is correct. 2024 was a typo.
First mistake I have made this year.
What's the 2025 motto?
Let me guess.
(Got to keep you laughing and entertained)
The 2024 VLDI motto is BUCKLE UP and HOLD ON TIGHT!!!
Its a new year, my positive approach will wear off around March/April. I will then return here and read the same posts reworded, continue to wait for something and be told to do my DD that will uncover no new info. The 2024 VLDI motto once again rolls over into a new year....WAIT..!!!
You seem to get a lot of laughs from this board. I don’t see the humor🤷♂️
Thanks for the laugh.
That was really good.
Well, almost over, at least.
VLDI is DEAD said something almost positive.
My first convert. Oh, Goodie!
This is going to be a GREAT year.
Do you mean the wait is over? Or wait. It's over?
I kind of think the wait is over. Anyone agree?
LMAO... The year may have changed but I see the shenanigans in this forum have not... It's nice to be back to whats familiar. LOL
Let me guess, we still waiting, this is our year, give it a little more time, patience...
SNL has nothing on the Hub.
Best entertainment forum on the web.
I alluded to it before. Crypto is going to use Validian as their main cybersecurity. Another user on the forum said XRP=VLDI. Which if you are under a rock XRP is going to be the standard in the Financial world. Not Bitcoin. We have no other choice to wait, but I kind of feel like the wait may be over very soon and whoever is holding VLDI will be very happy in the near future. Again, I’m just speculating. I don’t have any info I can share to justify my thinking.
Why would the so called “pumpers” keep pumping this company? I don’t understand their motives. You can’t buy the stock, you can’t sell the stock. What’s in it for the so called pumpers?
I got about 100k shares waiting. It's not gonna happen. Same story the pumpers have been saying the past 5 years now. We call this "dead money" in the biz.
Who's being testy?
Don’t get testy now. I just wanted to get a heads up on him before I call him. Sorry I asked. Thanks
Golly, maybe if you actually call him or email him you might get some of those questions answered.
Naaaaaah, that would be too easy.
I suggest that you NOT call him or email him.
TOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I guess he has knowledge that would enlighten us about what’s happening and what is going to happen. Where would this man get this information? Just from due diligence?🤔And if he has any ties to the company, why would he even bother to post on this board? You can’t buy or sell the stock. He can’t benefit in any way I can think of. Very intriguing.
I have been trying to get people on this forum to call the man since June of '23.
Mr. Penny Preacher,
What do you think of MK1969’s latest posts? His points seem valid and make a lot of sense. I’m kind of surprised you’ve remained silent. Do you agree with his opinions? He sounds pretty convincing.
What’s it won’t? With a gay thumbs up?👍
It will trade again in 2025, but not as a penny stock. Would you buy a company that had a value of half a cent. He had to take it private. I can assure you the value of Validian is much greater today than 4 years ago. So a real exchange is coming soon. If I had a dollar for every insane comment on this forum Bruce could make payroll of 60k a month. Does anyone know how many programs Bruce has created in the last 4 years? If anyone wants a reality check email me at
Talking about a stock that hasn't traded on the open market in 6 years. 🤔🤦♂️
You are more than correct
You are more than correct
I agree. But if I’m a betting man and I am, I love the casinos, but once the crypto friendly president gets into office and the banking exchange goes to crypto like Japan has already started the process, then Validian will be the cybersecurity that we have all been waiting for. No one can sell it anyway so we just have to wait anyway. That’s what I think anyway. Don’t have any info to back what I just said, just kind of trying to connect the dots. If anyone else thinks differently let me know!!!
I assume you own Validian stock. Why do you say "Things are about to get VERY interesting.
Buckle up, and hold on tight!"
Your first sentence is certainly accurate.
As for promoting Validian, if telling the truth about a company to counteract the lies of those too lazy to actually do any due diligence is "promoting" a company, then I plead guilty. As for any statement about a huge success with his team working in South America, as far as I know he does not have "team" working in South America, he has independent channel partners that promote VP and other cybersecurity products to their own customers. And I have not said anything on this forum about South America. I think you have me confused with skidog72. He was the one who finally found the SA website that says that someone is marketing VP to their SA customers. All I said on the subject is that I was not surprised that it took this forum 14 months to find the SA website.
As for the U.S. Government, there have been rumors that they have been looking at VP since November 2015. I think I am correct that they were given a demonstration at the NIBA conference in Philadelphia at that time. Of course, on the I-Hub, and nine-year-old rumor is cutting edge due diligence,
As far as I know, no large tech companies have ever tried to hack into VP.