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07/29/18 9:10 PM

#160490 RE: nidan7500 #160483


I agree with you. We need to succeed. And we can own that success and control some of our destiny perhaps the old fashioned way.

You said we need a big player or government to validate our science. I say we need 7-20 ordinary people.

We need to turn the world on its ear. After we have seen that the system is broken, we cannot put our innocence back in the bottle. For all we know at this very minute all the WW BP bigwigs could be chartering a plane to Australia or Spain with BIG $$$$ to pay corrupt government officials to “shut us out” or “stall us out” for approval. Everyone can be bought, imo. Especially governments. Trust no one.

Therefore, I say we leapfrog the process and simply show the world our “people” God Bless Them! The piano player, the driver, the painter, the golfer, Erv, and any al all who still have good cognition after 2+ years.

Here’s my logic:
One Halloween afternoon (late), my better half was at home getting our triplets ready for trick or treating when we realized we hadn’t picked up any candy to pass out. I ran to the nearby grocery store. I looked in the candy aisle but there was no “Halloween” candy there. ? I checked in the aisle where they sell “seasonal” items, but no trick or treat bags there either. I flagged a nearby stock boy and asked , “Can you tell me where the Halloween candy is?”
He said, “It’s back by the milk.”

Frustrated, I said , “By the milk? Not with the candy and not with the seasonal stuff but in the back...BY THE MILK? And, can you please tell me what the logic is behind that????”

And he smiled and said, “Yep. Because that’s where they are.”

And I, yeah, I got it. It was a totally zen concept. He was the Buddha with the perfect answer and I was the jackass looking for logic. Eyes opened, mind opened.

Things account for themselves. Sometimes logic is overrated and barking up the wrong tree. Things are as they are because they cannot be otherwise.

I guarantee that if the world gets a long, proper, look at our patients...all graphs, charts, genes, simulations and f’in bribe money will go unseen. People will want The Cure!!!!

Don’t underestimate common people - the stock boy squared my ass right up and I moseyed back to the dairy section and bought the candy. So will everyone. That’s how you beat logic:)


Names and faces and stories trump all. I’d bet my shares on it!

Thanks for always posting the good stuff, nidan!


07/30/18 8:58 AM

#160525 RE: nidan7500 #160483

nidan---great post---my convictions exactly---" We need some way of getting our story out and some way of becoming credible quickly at the highest level. That will take money, connections, political"---bottom line--we need a "mouthpiece" who can spread our story---a very long time ago--shortly after we got the great news re: Pauline Stevens,the piano player-and the painter and golfer--the great progress they had made---I sent e-mails to various news outlets--local and national--also to Neil Cavuto (an MS sufferer) and Jim Cramer--telling these folks about our progress---all this with the hope someone would "pick up on our story"---yet my efforts fell on deaf ears---no interest---hard for me to believe to this day after all our progress we still remain so "under the radar"--we need someone to "beat our drum louder" and soon !!!!!!!!