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10/24/06 9:42 PM

#6167 RE: realmuzikplayer #6159

RMP, do not let the bashers get to you. they are low level employees of the shorters they only get paid or paid more when they engage others to respond. dont appeal to any normal human feelings, because they dont have any, they sold their soul for $5 a post a long time ago.when you assume they are worth the time of day they will spiral you down their black hole never to re-emerge. by not sticking around will only give them victory, they may even get a bonus for "taking out" a long. when you have bben around the msg boards for a long time it becomes pretty obvious who has an agenda. better just to skip over without reading when you see a basher name or if paid member put on ignore, it takes a while to get into that habit but persevere. I tell you right now this board will not be the same without you. your an inspiration & there are plenty of lurkers out there who appreciate your insight, experience & straight forward aproach. for more information on bashers go to in the meantime please rconsider your decision. sincerely tlo.
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10/24/06 10:20 PM

#6168 RE: realmuzikplayer #6159

LMAO - that's all the fight you have RMP? You give a little heat, take a little heat, then withdraw in defeat?

Somehow, I thought you had more backbone than this.

A wise person once said....

It takes thick skin to post on a message board!

I'll give you a hint RMP, don't respond to attack posts, don't ignore the posters either, just don't talk to em. Drives em crazy!