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07/19/18 2:50 PM

#153302 RE: Mtn1 #153301

My view: AXTI has big, powerful, players in their market. If they have some worthy discovery IP, chances are they will be purchased IMO. So that is versus LQMT, the leader in bringing a new material and related production technologies to market. They have powerful partnerships through Eontec and experience working with Apple through Crucible. I looked at AXTI and thought the risk was too great.

My opinion: I don't believe that Prof. Li bought in just for the patents. His words and actions tell another story. Also, with LiquidMetal he can make multiples on his 64 million bucks. Take the patents and run or multiples on $64 million? You be the judge.


07/20/18 1:00 PM

#153334 RE: Mtn1 #153301

Well one of the main differences is AXTI had 98.5 million in revenue last year and 10.15 million in earnings (about .31 cents a share).

LQMT had - well essentially revenue so small it is basically insignificant and negative earnings and negative cents/dollars per share)

AXTI was up today last I looked 6%; LQMT was down 2.5%