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07/19/18 9:52 AM

#133854 RE: Sam81 #133848

Sam, thanks. You also have full access to:

If so, are you able to post?
Thanks in advance.



07/19/18 9:55 AM

#133856 RE: Sam81 #133848

Thanks, Sam.


07/19/18 10:08 AM

#133860 RE: Sam81 #133848

Thanks Sam


07/19/18 10:09 AM

#133861 RE: Sam81 #133848




07/19/18 10:10 AM

#133862 RE: Sam81 #133848

Thank you, Sam81!

This is the gold nuggets expert-networks used to give:

Call Leader 2: I always ask these questions of experts that I talk to and some like to answer it and some don't. So I'll just pose it to you. If you had to put odds on this coming out as a win for Vascepa and the REDUCE-IT study, a statistically significant, clinically meaningful risk reduction, zero to 100%, what sort of odds of success would you give this study?

Doctor: I'd give it about an 85%. I think-

Call Leader 2: 85%?

Doctor: Yeah, I think that the study was done well. I think that they enrolled patients with high triglycerides. I think that they had them on appropriate doses of statins. I think it's a large enough trial with a high enough event rate that if there is a benefit of being on EPA, that they will show it. And I think there is a benefit of high dose EPA, so I'll give it 85% chance of success.


07/19/18 12:31 PM

#133903 RE: Sam81 #133848

Thank you Sam. Very helpful. He's the expert but matching up with some of my estimations from about a year and a half ago. If life ever slows down, I will try and post but my thoughts would just be "IMO" from my research. He talked a little more about C-reactive protein which I think I have underestimated so my estimates as usual are probably very conservative compared to others on the board. Take care and always appreciate your contributions along with many others here.


07/19/18 4:12 PM

#133926 RE: Sam81 #133848

They just provided funding and some of the product so I can conduct the trial, but I'm doing a trial called EVAPORATE, which is looking at plaque buildup under the influence of Vascepa versus placebo, so it's a doubled-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized trial looking at plaque progression over the course of 18 months. And kind of a mechanistic study of REDUCE-IT, if you will. And that's generally my primary role with Amarin.

I don't know if I disclosed it, but I was an investigator or am an investigator in REDUCE-IT. I'm not privy to any inside information, but I did have a few patients in the trial so I had an opportunity to use it both in a research environment, as well as a clinical environment.

Great interview, but both of those ties to AMRN give skeptics plenty of ammo to write off this piece as a publicity job for V and R-IT, the doc ain't exactly unbiased. I'm really curious what he means by the bit in italics - is he doing some mini version of R-IT on his own patients, only he's obviously not blinded to those results? Wonder how many other docs involved in the trial may be doing this as well? One nit that kept ticking me off - the doc consistently referred to V as "fish oil" - he should know damn well it's nothing of the kind - it's EE-EPA! At least he hammered home the placebo doses used in all those trials that showed nothing, and knocked ASCEND and VITAL for the same reason - he basically said what I did the other day, why the heck are they wasting all that money on trials using a placebo dose of L?

Muchas gracias for post the transcript Sam!


07/19/18 4:25 PM

#133928 RE: Sam81 #133848


thank you for this info.

Is there a way to get script info for DVAX. More than happy to get it myself, just don't know where. Any guidance would be MUCH appreciated. I need to get YTD script info.

Thanks again,